AQ Expectations

I was able to ML it last night.

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Would you mind being more specific about the autocomplete mechanism? It seems to be bugged as multiple servers have seen 0% progress since the autocomplete was supposed to start (On Aug 27th, 30 days after the Content unlock on July 28th).

Also this posts mentions “Before Naxx” which would be in 2021 as the latest moment the gates would open. But the original Blue post from 2009 mentioned 30 days after the autocomplete mechanism starts.

“The war effort auto-complete, starting 30 days after the war effort is triggered and completing in no more than 30 days after that (if I remember the numbers correctly right now), has been in since AQ launched. It’s not something new, nor something we activate manually. It’s part of the game system for opening the gates, and always has been.”

Some clarification would be highly appreciated

Yes, clarification would be very much appreciated. A lot of people who are very confused as to why the auto-completion hasn’t started yet.

Still waiting for that auto turn in that should have started 3 days ago… What’s the deal?

What’s the new ETA for this given it’s now overdue?

Turns out they completely made it up.

Still waiting on ANY news.

See all the people complaining about gates not being open? Blizzard, those are the servers you should delete and consolidate them together to 1 west and 1 east coast server. These are the servers costing you lots of money with how mega dead they are.

I don’t necessarily agree that its costing blizzard much, probably just have them sitting on the same hardware as the rest of the classic servers for those regions, but the real reason they wont merge just because ~work~ and ~effort~ might be involved.

If the maximum is reached, players will be automatically removed from the zone.

  • First, players will be removed if they are below level 60. Alliance players will be ported to Westfall, and Horde players will be ported to The Barrens.

Looks like this is happening by default regardless of how full the zone is. Remulos there are less than 20 players on alliance in Silithus, and yet a lvl 55 guildie can’t get in to quest here.

And it’s not even limited to the 10h period.
My lvl59 hunter on Windseeker was TPed out yesterday evening, and it’s still happening now some twenty hours later.

Show us you actually care blizz. Say something about that Auto-complete not working. Literally anything…

Even a non answer of “We are looking into it.” would be better than nothing.