AQ Expectations

My AQ expectations are pretty low currently. The zone is already severely lagging days prior to the start of the event.

I really hope this is also faction based so only 50% of the population cap can only be one faction at a time.

Would be nice to finally get some faction balance in one zone, for just 10 hours, in the open world.

It should simply be based on CC rep value…

A huge change like that should be set in stone long before the event. I could say the same about this pending :poop: show.

Everyone who pays to play Classic and wants to experience it, should be able to experience it.

Look, those who were interested in the CC story line could have been farming rep, doing the quests, etc. IF it comes down to who has the highest rep, I feel that is a good way of doing things.

As far as “setting it in stone” long before the event, hard disagree. Bad enough we are stuck knowing everything needed for the war effort months prior to it happening.

So, people who came back for stuff like this are just crap outta luck, and you’re good with that as long as you get yours. Gotcha.

Dude, my point is that if they are going to decide who stays and who gets the boot out of the zone, this is (imho) the way to determine it. Would it really be more fair if it were random?

Honestly, people have been waiting a long time to see the event and booting people out of the zone was the best idea they could come up with?

Even temporary layering for the zone during the 10 hour event would be so much better, none of the event spawns are really worth farming enough for anyone to exploit it, particularly since they’ll probably be contested across all the layers.

The bottom line is people deserve to see it, and this solution is not acceptable. I mean, I now they won’t care what I have to say, but I had to put something down.


No, I’m literally not. Private servers that were up until the day Classic launched had the capability of handling even greater numbers than what we have on our classic servers.

And that limit is being reduced even further by low quality servers that we play on.

If your argument is that Classic WoW servers are being ran on the same “infrastructure” as it was when it launched in 2004 ( and that you think that’s okay ) you’re hilarious.


I have not been able to get a character to level 60 (yes, there are reasons, thank you) so I put my highest level character in the inn in Silithus in the hope that I can, at least, see it myself even I can’t participate. I am not doing that to cause any issues, simply so that I can be a part of this amazing event. I’ll be very sad if I get moved out, though I will understand why it’s necessary. However, I think there are just as likely to be people going there for the same reason I am - not because they are in a guild but just to be a part of an historic WoW event.

I don’t know what people expected.
Classic WoW is a bottom of the barrel priority for the WoW team.

They are chiefly concerned with Shadowlands not tanking…and that game has development issues (serious ones). They are on-track for another BFA right now and are trying to course correct…but they can’t get out of their own way.

I’m not sure layering the zone would even help alleviate the issue for some of the more overpopulated servers.


Lack of interest. And money.

Different people in-charge.

They want their products to succeed not what their predecessors made.

Are you guys seriously starting a 2 hour maintenance at the exact time you said the content would unlock?

TLDR: Dear Blizzard - if this content release isn’t absolutely flawless in terms of execution, experience, and doesn’t satisfy every single player’s impossible expectations, you’re going going to be cancelled & flamed!

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no changes tho

Unlock the transfer!!

So a few weeks before it launches they announce people who didn’t grind rep get booted first? Oh joy, thanks for the heads up! We’ll just add this to the incredibly long list, of your incredibly short sighted takes.

OK, I will engage the obvious alt.

Here let me restate what you are responding to, with the most important part in bold, which you chose to ignore:
Perhaps booting will be based on CC rep. Not fond of booting in of itself, but basing it on rep would make a LOT of sense.

IF booting is to happen, can you think of a more fair way of handling it? How is my idea “short sighted”? Because it would hurt the feels of those who ignored the zone up till now?

edit: you’ve been furiously typing for a while now. I hope what you come up with is worth reading.

Yes I can.

It should be entirely random and split equally between factions, first come, first serve. Basing it on an optional grind is a hilariously awful idea.

This is inherently MORE fair, as it takes no bias. good day.

And it took a while to type cause I tabbed out for an unrelated issue, are you okay in the head dude?