I’ve always been curious why Blizzard has never allowed for the AQ battle tanks to be used outside of the Raid area after so many years. they’re pretty cool and unique in their own right. Does anyone know why we can’t use them? is this something we can potentially petition to get changed??
I mean, it’s going to be real awkward when those rideable, bug battle-tanks try to bisect you after more Old Gods whisper sweet things into their antenna.
Presumably because they drop like candy. I think the only reasonably rare was was red.
But there is a blue one you can get from archaeology.
If I had to guess I would say the people that have scarab mount wouldn’t feel special.
Some 3-5 Scarab Lords who in many cases no longer play, feel something they did nearly 20 years ago will mean less if players are allowed to have a slightly different colored version of their mount. Even though one already exists and is usable.
Needs a model update the same way the black one got one.
Please no.
Yea but why do you want it if it was 20 years ago and it dosent mean anything
Who said I did? Lol.
After 16-17 years, I think they will get over it. The handful that are even playing anymore
I seen one a few months ago, it’s like seeing a unicorn
Honestly the original design looks the best in my opinion. I like the smoothness and gloss. The updated model looked too rough
I can’t even remember the last time I saw one out and about. I think it was back in Wrath I saw one.