April fools

Look at mage. They get nothing.

Welcome to the Demon Hunter’s life story in Shadowlands.

A song, Steppenwolf “Born to be wild”.
Yeah I gotta go make it happen, take the world in a loving embrace.
Fire all of your guns at once, and explode into space!
Born to wild…

And thus, ignored once more.

Oh stop. You sound so sad lol.

It’s a game. I really hope you’re not as sad as you come off in your post.

Most of it came across as if they were trying too hard IMO.

Some of it gave me a chuckle, but most seemed too on the nose so to speak to be funny. Just because they didn’t find it funny doesn’t mean they are a sad person, or that the post itself comes across as sad even. At least, not to me lol.

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