And how as soon as transmog became available people were blazing through old content to build just the right look for their characters, how people dismissing the impact transmog has had are both fully transmogged, or how people had been asking for a system like transmog since at least early BC because of those clownsuits.
Y’all got some weird revisionism going on.
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No one’s asking for transmog to be removed. Simply for the option for people to opt out of seeing other people’s gear set up if they don’t want to.
This is Cursewords on his Rogue - on the subject of Transmogs.
I tried to give my Rogue a dark mog. Maybe I am over thinking it, but I feel like with darker colors, my rogue might be more successful snatching nodes and flags in front of other people’s faces - at least in casual random bgs.
I like the ability to design my Characters outfit to help him sneak about.
There can be an offensive component to how we transmog.
I tend to lean on the side of how people want to represent themselves… but I play a Rogue that prefers to be unseen