April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

Maybe the World of Warcraft Twitter account is useless, but WarcraftDevs is the account that confirmed the Warlock helm would get changed.

thats the reason i said MOSTLY, sometimes it s usefull to an extend

No, they’re two different accounts.

Apparently I can’t quote sections. What are these “parts of the stories we loathe” that Alex is responsible for? We hate a lot.

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*gestures to the weird bits of WoD and BFA, including Teldrassil, the weird Grommash pivot, etc *

He said Sylvanas was behind the Wrathgate.

So he really liked strong orcish men and wanted Sylvanas to be as evil as possible?


For the record, I’m not saying Alex is a good man, but some of his contributions weren’t all bad. Even if we removed it, or at least the bad parts, we’re still left with the general mess that is shadowlands.


Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble!!

(that’s all the french I know)

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Any writer (or team) can and should recognize what part of their writing was motivated by internalized hatred and prejudice, and address whether or not it’s impact is sufficient.

Take for example Tolkien, who recognized how he handled the Orcs and other Fallen Races racialized the concept of salvation, while recognizing he cannot simply rewrite his various books, but rather hoped people would realize his mistakes.

Take for example Lovecraft, who upon realizing his personal extreme racism was motivated by classist anxieties, was horrified with his past self while recognizing the quality of his writing and how it inspired others.

On the other hand, take for example Goodkind who refused to recognize the ways his personal prejudices bled into his pages, and in fact mocked any who tried to point it out to him. And note: The Sword of Truth remains my favorite series to his day, hands down.

We all came to WoW for different reasons and at different moments in our lives.

However, when we fell in love with the game, it was under the specific circumstances we agreed upon, the set of rules and boundaries we agreed upon when playing this game through our avatars, engaging with the Magic Circle of the Game (see the Vitual Worlds by Castranova I constantly bring up).

The game has gotten to a point where the rules of the game we agreed upon when playing have been transgressed; the magic circles of more and more players have broken with each and every subsequent decision, both narratively and gameplay-wise.

The Gameplay Design choices that are breaking people’s magic circles are beyond my range. I know nothing of class balance, or PVP dynamics, and amplify people far more competent than me in that regard (e.g. as a Warlock, I turn to Kalamazi and Thd, used to for Cobrak for PVP Warlock ends).

But Narratively, the complains and concerns are wide and varied yes, but consistent.

And if the rumors that the theories are correct, that the specific narrative choices that broke the Magic Circle of many players are to be laid at his feet (even if enabled by the others), given that as we currently stand the story, put simply, sucks in many ways and they’ve written themselves into a corner from which there is no escape (especially due to the very existence of Teldrassil), then the most prudent decision, in my most humble opinion, is to undo that which broke the circle.

As ridiculous as it may be, I’d rather them undo the canonicity of the past four years, recognizing error and malice among their team, so we can have a better more coherent game in the long run.

If they do not, the narrative choices of the past four years will weigh like a burden until this game dies on the players who care about the story, few though we may be.

But if we slowly kill RPG aspect of an MMORPG, the MM bit follows I’d wager.

And player numbers have been going down, for many reasons, these included.


I don’t know why I’m still here.


More money than sense. Same as the lot of us.


For me it’s a long term experiment; the longer this game survives, the more obstacles its team can overcome properly or improperly, the more books I’ll eventually get out of it when it dies.


WoW has pretty fun casual PvP and PvE. And an interesting, if convoluted story. It is the game for me.

Heck, even during WoD, with everything else being bad, the raids were pretty good. I haven’t even heard of any other game close to WoW, as far as my tastes.

Elder Scrolls, Star Wars, and LotR, have the story - but lackluster game play.

FF 14 can F off. It is not my cup of tea.

WoW is fun, and I haven’t heard of anything better for my tastes.


You must have been very young when you read it.
This author and his series are notoriously bad.

Originality almost none existent until the later books where the constant story monologuing became his political rants and self inserts. And let’s not mention how much of a horrible person he was for mocking the dying man he plagiarized and made competition for his fans to mock the artist that was commissioned to do art work for his book.

Probably the worst thing about his writing though was that he boiled characters to just good and evil. There was no nuance or complexity to characters. If you are good. You are good. If you are evil then you are evil. He took a cliche, ripped off a few ideas then wrapped it in his ideology and made a series out of it.
Ugh the more I think of him the more I remember why I dislike him and his works.


I was forced to learn French in School for a whole year… and I remember none of it

Was the same for Indonesian. That one was over two years though.

Pretty sure it should be “Ce sont”

Quel dommage ! Moi, je peux parler avec un niveau B2/presque C1 competance.

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Mlle Croissant!!

That’s all I can remember.

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What does the phrase “Whose nuts are they” mean?
This is the question of whether the nuts belong to “they”?

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Je suis desole, mon franchise est pas mal

I’m over here cackling at all of your French.

No, Evelysaa, you are are sad because the franchise is “tres mal” you are not desole because it’s “pas mal” that means it’s okay. :rofl:

“Je suis desole, mon franchise est tres mal.” It’s the best attempt though in this whole thread.

Vous me faites tous rire. Eh bien, je suppose que c’est mieux que le traducteur russe de Shern.