April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

I suspect that they will only change Zekhan being taught by Lor’themar because of a supposed racism, not the various lore mistake such as no survivor of Taurajo.

One month of delay is just too short for extensive corrections.
Given that the “Wow historian” doesn’t remember that a night elves outpost is built in Bashal’aran or that there are survivors from Taurajo, it would take a lot of time for him to just catch up with everything happening in Kalimdor.

Also a return to the Cataclysm era (more or less) after BfA is not acceptable either. Ashenvale should be entirely reclaimed by the night elves and the goblin couldn’t pollute the river.
I doubt that Orgrimmar would have let them do this.
And even if they could, with all the purification magics that exist in the game you are telling me that there is none capable to clean it?

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I disagree. I think the lore mistakes will be fixed as those were too glaringly obvious to keep. The Zekhan/Lor’themar situation might be clarified or expanded if not removed. The blurbs in the book are so small that it’s not difficult to fix in a month. I don’t expect much information about locations to change.


Only time will tell.
Don’t get me wrong, i wish to see a good book with many fixes but for now, there was too many let down from this lore team to have any faith left.


Let me get this straight.

We’re having a big cow over the fact that a Mage might have taught a Shaman how to read and write Thalassian?

Are we that hard up on finding things to be upset about?

No, presumably it was reading and writing Orcish, which he should already know. April flip-flopped a lot on this issue.


The fact that player Trolls speak orcish along with elves and forsaken is a game contrivance. Just as Vol-jin suddenly speaking common when he interacts with an Alliance player.

Any one thing would be no big deal.

Maybe worth a stifled groan.

All together, though, the awkwardness in the depiction of some of the races of the Horde and the lore mistakes and the genuinely BORING return to status Cataclysm on Kalimdor (complete with Gazlowe being the same character as Gallywix) is worth a modicum of bellyaching at the least.


Orcish is the Horde’s official language. However, Vol’jin and other Horde faction leaders can also speak Common.


No. It’s just that the legitimate complaints are too traumatizing to address.

In my spicy take, I don’t particularly mind goblins polluting things around them, because they’ve consistently been portrayed as hedonistic short term gain driven rule-of-cool industrialists.

And I sorta like their turn of the century robber baron awfulness.

What I do mind is the other members of the Horde apperantly throwing up their hands and going, “whatever, goblins just ruin everything around them, no point in asking them to stop”. Particularly the tauren. At least try to talk the goblins into seeing the profitability of Southfury Kaja Cola or river boat rides or something.

I also mind all goblins being depicted as the same goblin, because their relentless personality is one of the fun things about goblins.


I’ve loved Golden’s Horde writing honestly. :woman_shrugging:

It’s so easy to fix. If I were writing about Southfury River, I’d put something like this:

During Garrosh Hellscream’s reign as Warchief, he conscripted the Bilgewater Cartel to create his war machines at the expense of the river’s cleanliness, inadvertently polluting its waters. Since then, the Earthen Ring has been at work cleaning it of the foul pollutants that poison it with slow but gradual success. Recently, Gazlowe has implemented monetary incentives encouraging the Bilgewater to help fix the mess they created.

Southfury leads directly to Ratchet, and since cleaning the river should be a mutually beneficial goal, that’s Gazlowe’s way of staying on the Steamwheedle’s good side.


I love that! :smiley:


Lorthemar is a what now

This isn’t true.

April tried to spin this toward the end, and then backtracked the claim and instead moved to say it was racist, we are interpreting correctly, but Sean didn’t write it.


Then maybe that’s a sign that you need to walk away from the whole enchilada if it’s actually become “traumatizing”. I certainly would.

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I’m not going to get into the details of how this situation is racially insensitive, as far more eloquent people than I have already covered it at length. However, I will point out that Lor’themar Theron is not and never has been a mage. He’s a hunter by training, who famously hates paperwork and would rather be patrolling in the woods than sitting behind a desk in Silvermoon. The only time he’s ever shown any love of writing anything has been in relation to his recently-revealed hobby of being an amateur poet. He’s literate and knowledgeable, but let’s not pretend that he’s a career academic.

As for it being Thalassian that he was teaching Zekhan, that’s not how the excerpt in the book is phrased. It sounds more like Lor’themar taught him how to read and write period, not how to read Thalassian, and that’s ridiculous.

Forsaken in theory should all understand Common as well, though some may not be able to speak it well anymore (missing one’s lower jaw can have that effect). Similarly, there’s probably plenty of Sin’dorei who understand Common thanks to Quel’Thalas’ previous connections to the Alliance of Lordaeron.


Actually, it sounds like people are putting in context that doesn’t exist in order to justify feelings of outrage.

Zekhan was one of the Horde’s war leaders in Arathi. It’s not like he’s some helpless Amerindian child being locked into a Puritan school and having his religion and culture being forcibly taught away from him. That’s what real cultural oppression amounted to… and this manufactured outrage cheapens that history.


I’ve already explained to you that April walked back the Thalassian spin attempt, affirmed we were interpreting correctly in what is meant to be communicated, and attributed it to a Mysterious Racist Editor unbeknownst to Sean.


So if the DM wanted to he/she could declare Self Righteous Thoughts(I.E. Lawful Stupidity, Knight Templar, Black and White Worldview and Stick in the Mud attitudes) an Evil Act and have the Fallen Paladin’s Armor turn to rust as their weapons crumble to powdered rust and they are forcefully informed by the powers that be that they committed an Evil Act by being Self Righteous?

The DM can do whatever they want.

Granted, if they don’t run a fun game, no one will play it. But, assuming they don’t care about that, the DM has total control.