April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

I don’t. I doubt the result would be much better for Horde fans.


She did pretty good on the first book, giving us a lot of updated information.

Instead we got the hot mess the Exploring:Kalimdor book with everyone involved apparently denying they were involved in it


… which was about the Alliance.

I don’t want the Kalimdor book to be written by a big Alliance fan. Especially not the one responsible for Tides of War.


That’s fair I suppose. I liked the book for the updated worgen information. Was nice to see them claim some territory for their own

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You do realize she wrote Rise of the Horde, Rise of the Clans, A Warrior made, right? A good chunk of Horde(specifically orc) lore came from her.


That was a long time ago. I don’t trust her to write anything decent for the Horde today.


It a silly arguement especially considering both Tides of War/Warcrimes still had sympathetic elements for the Horde in them. Baine in particually was at least given a good chunk of screen time.

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Golden does not have a favourite faction, she has favourite characters. Sometimes her writing those favourite characters benefits their faction as a whole but by and large her worldbuilding and characterization only stand out because they’re compared to her predecessor in the role… Knaak.

And we all know how wonderful he was in that role.


“Chunks of screen time for Baine” =/= “decent writing for the Horde.”


Literally one of the things done in Warcrimes was her distingushing the factions. She even had a scene where the Alliance was described as “stoic” like they were statues while having the Horde side be bolsterous/jovial/abit chaotic during the trial. I think she knows the best(and worse) elements of both factions.


Look, Zerde, you of all people don’t get to tell Horde fans what good writing for the Horde is. I’m just going to leave it at that.


Dividing people into Horde fans and Alliance fans is dumb anyway. It kills any sense of objectivity for the story and turns into a slapfight people try to ‘win’ with subpar arguments and half-baked lore understanding they try and compensate for with hyperbolic posts.


Didn’t Tides of War have Baine acknowledge Camp Taurajo was a legitamate military target? I don’t think Horde fans want that.


And yet several players have told us what should happen to the Alliance. Also, just because I have never hidden my biases for the Alliance doesnt mean I dont understand the Horde, both the horrible and tolerable qualities.

Or he was just being honest about how we all should view the world. Theramore should not have been a target because civilians live in it, nor should Darnassus and yet the reality is nearly any place is/can be a reasonable target as long as it has a military force defending it. And in Warcraft if you dont have one defending yourself your screwed as well.

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Almost everything Golden has ever done to develop the Horde, especially in recent years, has been trash.

Once again I remind everyone that discussing things in-universe is meaningless and the last ten years of Horde writing has been a flaming hot mess due to vapid irresponsibility of the writers.


Except Jaina never said Theramore was a legitamate target, what?


She never commented one way or another. She however was not suprised when Garrosh did decided to attack her.

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This. This is truth.


Did Baine not send a messenger to warn her?


After reading through this thread all I got to say is everyone blew this crap up.

I don’t really care much for looking too deep in Warcraft’s story, I just want to have fun.