April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

IF Sean was listed as the author without final input on the work, and IF Sean was listed as the author with much of the book being ghost-written by anonymous Blizzard employees, and IF Sean was not even given an advanced review copy…then Sean should quit Blizzard on principle of being disrespected.

Of course as someone who works in a publishing-adjacent field, I don’t believe any of those things are true.


Tactics she used a not rushed, at least not in wc3 you know

Her tactics have involved jumping into trouble/not listening to other peoples council. She did it when saying saving Kael. She did it when freeing Illidan. Both having their own consequences/have her need to be rescued.

So the book got pulled.


It never should’ve got released in the state it was in. Someone should loose their jobs for okaying this garbage book in its current state. I’m glad I didn’t pre-order this one


What is wrong with the book exactly?

All I know is Zekhan is writing it and sometimes he includes the phonetic spelling of his accent. Which I think is just more stupid than anything else.

What else is wrong with the Book? Asking genuinely, I haven’t really been keeping up with current Blizz events.

Zekhan learned writing from…Lor’themar.
The night elf empire was build arround nordrassil
the dark portal was on kalimdor 10.000 years ago
Goblins were screwed aswell in a certain way and and and

Hopefully this means the book is being revised.


Seems to be due to production issues instead of the writing.

They should’ve shut down the comments.

I disagree. WoWhead should keep their comments open for all of their articles. Closing comments shows bias against feedback.


They did lock the comments now, because they got pretty bad. There’s a reason they do it for controversial issues. It’s hard for the moderators to deal with the worst feedback.

I don’t like how writers (and apparently their spouses) presume it is the story, and not the delivery, with which we are possibly dissatisfied. Christie Golden is not the best person to cite here. I thought Elegy was garbage writing, but I thought A Good War was full of nuance and masterful storytelling, so is Elegy Blizzard’s fault or Golden’s?

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i would so laugh if they don´t change anything but…add the word Talasyan to every scene of zekhan^^

Zehkhan was a bit racist towards goblins, which makes sense as goblins have a very difficult history with trolls. It’s not the end of the world lol

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Which would be fine and make sense of Zehkhan was a Zandalari troll and had that history with Goblins of having been enslaved to work in their mines. Since he is a Darkspear Troll, and a young one at that, there shouldn’t be the same level of racial animosity - what he knows of Goblins should be their basically building the Orchish capital for the Horde, helping to clear out Durotaur for settlement, and Gazlowe being a much better boss to the Goblins than Gallywix ever was.

Instead it’s all complaints about environmental impact and greed, as well as acting like Gazlowe and Gallywix are the same guy wearing different hats. You’re right it ain’t the end of the world but it smacks of the book being a lazy and greedy cash grab (that’s also probably bad for the environment) that put zero effort into any sort of quality control or research.

In short, it’s crass and offensive, but not JUST for the reasons the writers wife thinks it is crass and offensive.

That was the Steamwheedle, not the Bilgewater.

Blizzard has been very inconsistent with Gazlowe since BfA. During island expeditions:

    Gazlowe says: Looks like this place has a lot to offer! Shade, loot… the Alliance? Well, now it’s ruined.

And then at the start of Mechagon:

During the Ideas Can Come from Anywhere quest Galzowe - who you talk to for the quest credit even Alliance side - had the following to say to them:

    Gazlowe says: Beat it, chump. Ya ain't in my crew, so I got nothin' for you.

But then at the end suddenly:

    Gazlowe says: Huh, this partnership wasn’t half bad. Reminds me how profitable working with you Alliance mooks can be.

And then he’s working together with the Alliance at Orgrimmar in the War Campaign Finale.

Only then to be hostile towards the Alliance again in Shadows Rising.


The bit that shocked me about Gazlow letter is that part:

‘‘If you’re still reading, then let me use small words for you. I own you. You, your Steamwheedle boss, your Bilgewater cronies,and your shoes.’’

I know that Gazlow isn’t the Steamwheedle trade prince, but he always end up acting like their boss. So as it is said in wowhead, this sentence really look like it is Gallywix talking about Gazlow.


The truth is probably somewhere in between. More than likely Bl;izzard itself doesn’t have that overarching a map. In other words if they haven’t used it in an adventure, the writers probably have to spitball it on the spot… lust like Stardates in The Original Series.

(TNG and later had a specific system, whereas Enterprise simply used our Common Era Calendar.)

Gazlowe is the Bilgewater Trade Prince now, so him referring to Steamwheedle in that way technically makes sense, but at the same time it’s out of character for him entirely. It’s almost as if they had Gallywix written in before and then afterwards just replaced all mention of him with Gazlowe. Which would be… weird, but given how much of a mess this book is, it might very well be possible that a chunk of it was written before the ending of BfA was finalized. Either way, the description of how Gazlowe is apparently acting is not consistent even with how he was portrayed in the Goblin Heritage chain.