April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

Right, but that means this is linked more closely to Blizzard and lays the issue more thoroughly at their feet, is I guess the logic being used.


Tired? We should all be sick of it hun. It’s wrong, will always be wrong and I don’t get why anyone defends it.


If someone read the above post before I deleted, please… Don’t. I regretted posting it and would rather drop it.

Poised, if you happened to read it, I’m sorry. Not really aimed at you.

I don’t think you’re a horrible person. You made a mistake. I myself am Egyptian-American and I once dismissed somebody complaining about Brokers. I believe I told you this before. It was a mistake.


I’m Irish-Italian so I’m well aware of negative stereotypes.I was unintentionally being the one thing I hate. It bothers me you know? And I believe you did mention it once.


Heck, the internal files still list forsaken assets as “scourge”. But that goes back to an identity clash that has been at the heart of all the Forsaken issues and who they actually are.


The author wrote the words on the page. Having a fact checker on stand by would be nice, but if they’re close to the lore team as you say they are (position-wise), then logically they should know the lore as much as the team.

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Well, I mean they technically are sentient scourge though. At least from a WC 3 perspective anyway

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Yes, technically. But the tug between the early developer desire to make them act like scourge, and Metzen’s ideal of a sympathetic people suffering the plight of undeath has been a back and forth thing that has in part been why Sylvanas acts so weirdly from one expansion to the next.


taking somebody named fricking “copeland” seriously should be illegal
get a hold of yourself, this book and all it stands for should burn


Well, that tug does explain why the forsaken go from helping out in one zone, to doing lobotomies on farmers in the next zone. Their lore really is all over the place

So, uh, I was unaware of this whole thing until just now so I went and checked a few articles and all I could find was people upset that one character, ONE, was illiterate and goblins being the orifice of the behind.

This has “manufactured outrage” written all over it.

It takes more than reading articles to truly understand the overall problem, it’s better understood when looking at the excerpts from the book.


This…just proves what Alysna just got done saying/being upset over. Of course you don’t GET IT so it must be manufactured.


Your last few posts are complaining about people making Mage Tower threads. Now, you’re being dismissive here too. Please, stop.

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People are upset that a character representing the “oppressed” is portrayed as illiterate. M … No, not like that.
The representative of the “oppressed” receives education from the representative of the “whites”, despite the presence of a high-quality education among the “oppressed” and the previously declared employment of the “white”.

No, poorly worded. Mda.

And already at the “LOOK AT HIS POSTING HISTORY” responses. Thanks for proving me right. I know exactly who does that.

That’s okay. I know exactly who looks at a controversy, does the barest minimal research into it without actually looking into it at all, and automatically dismisses it and those bothered by it as “manufactured outrage”.


Characters retcon, event misplaced, event changed, quests explained to full the book, stuff changed when we can even go back and check they’re wrong, changes within the same patch geting changed again to a different direction again, established lore ignored, retconed lore ignored or plain omited, obvious vías to Aliance with a book meant to be Horde alingned or at least neutral and the list goes and goes, you even can check it all with the multiple wikis if you don’t want play the game

And as if all the problems weren’t enough the author wife, not even the author, go and give an apology(?) That Is easily discredited within they own book

No wonder the state of the game, company and lore, and no wonder why FF14 Is so praised now…

This Is just sad, may should have been a better choice release the book anonymously but what Is done Is done


I feel bad about doing that honestly, but i think it was relevant, here. I think maybe you’re having a bad day.