Apprentice's Twisted Crook - Fern's Staff?

This may be a reach, but the staff in the Trading Post reminds me of Fern’s staff, from Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End.

It’s got an extra bend in it and none of the purple wrappings or the metal bands, but the general shape and proportions line up, especially the uneven circumference making it look like a smaller branch off a tree rather than a fully carved staff.

Or maybe I’m just in withdrawals from Frieren’s first season ending.
Either way, I’ll take it as a reference and cherish it.

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Looks like a generic fantasy staff to me, but ig I can see the similarities.

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Yeah, I definitely suspect that I’m biased by games like WoW into envisioning every staff as being a well-crafted, perfectly straight arcane focus with crystals and whatnot, so the classic wooden walking stick style seems novel to me.

The bends and the head of the staff just struck me as being remarkably close to Fern’s because I’m making a replica of it irl, so I’ve spent a lot of time looking at reference art, measuring angles and proportions, etc.

I may be projecting my own intent here, but when I saw it I imagined a concept artist wanting to add Fern’s staff to the game, removing the details that make it clearly Fern’s (the wrappings and the bands) and then adding one more crook to it so that the silhouette/shape isn’t a 1:1 recreation if someone were to overlay Fern’s staff over the in-game staff.

But I freely admit that the “repurposed tree branch” style is a classic fantasy trope for an apprentice’s staff.