Appealing a Ban/Mute

Yes I did. Because I realized that the GMs were refusing to answer my question of why i was getting errors when I was submitting appeals so I figured I might as well do what they’re implying that I was doing. Represent why my ban should have been appealed. So I did.

Clearly. The point is that the GM’s used to actually consider your reasons and tell you why they think you’re wrong. Rather than just ignoring you and looking at what happened and the other GM’s actions.

I never said I was falsely reported. I said other people have. Idk why you’re putting words in my mouth.

I don’t know when’s the last time you tried to use Blizzard’s official appeal system but there is no option for you to type text or say anything. You just press a button and then a GM reviews what you were reported for and whether or not the last GM who punished you did the right thing or not. There is no way for you to say anything without opening a ticket.

Doesn’t mean I won’t hate it. People used to be able to say all sorts of slurs and things that are very clearly banned today back in wrath and up to around cataclysm or so. Blizzard wouldn’t care even if they got reported. I’ve had ppl report me back then for words that I can’t even come close to saying today and nothing happened to me. That is how it should be imo. People should also never get more than muted if all they did was say something wrong. Not suspended from the game. Unless you were like using death threats or harassing someone with multiple accounts. In that case then those words/actions I could see it being fair to suspend or ban this person. But just insulting someone with an impolite word? That should never be anything more than a mute. A month long or multi-month long mute if need be. But not a suspension.

I don’t think you’ve actually tried to use the appeal feature in the long term. There is no means of pleading your case. Or saying anything.

Would you consider calling someone a “clown” or “stupid” as swearing? Because people have been banned for 10 days for saying those things.

Good idea.

Just because corporations have the “right” to censor people under the law doesn’t make it not censorship or not morally wrong. I strongly believe that people’s right to free speech should be protected by the government from corporations and that it should be illegal to punish people in any way for saying words on a private entity’s platform that said platform disagrees with. The internet should be considered a public forum and protected grounds for free speech. I gladly support the masses right to free speech over the “right” of corporations to censor people.

But more on point.

Yes, clearly I made a mistake. Idk why some people, not you, are suggesting I am denying I did anything wrong. Clearly we have to be careful of what we say in WoW now or you get banned for days.

Oh course, it not there for you to argue your case. It’s there to have the GMs look at the logs and verify no mistakes was made.

Of course, I haven’t been silenced/suspended or banned ingame. Why use it if you don’t need to.


Which is pretty disingenuous for it to be called an appeal. And as I mentioned earlier it used to be that you could actually explain why you feel you deserve not to be banned or have a lesser punishment. Which is the case in most systems within games or social media that allow you to appeal a punishment.

Are you the person I was responding to? If so, then idk why youre implying that I’m wrong about a feature that you’ve never used.

Do you know the legal term for an appeal? It’s not a re-trial, no new evidence can be entered, you don’t get to re-litigate the case. It there to make sure the I’s was dotted and the T’s crossed. If there is an error, THEN a judge orders a new trial.


The forums are considered private property and you don’t have free expression protection on them. If you come inside MY home and start running your mouth, you’ll get ejected (forcibly), and depending on what you said, a punch in the nose.


I’m saying how it should be and needs to be to protect free speech in the digital age. I understand that it isn’t that way yet.

Then write your senator or congressperson.


No it isn’t swearing. It’s insulting and it’s mean and it falls under abusive chat.

And players deserve to be silenced and/or suspended if they can’t refrain from insulting others.

These kind of things have always been against the rules, it’s just being more strictly enforced now.


also, if there are getting suspended or permabanned for language, it means they have a history or said something REALLY awful.

I vehemently disagree. It’s completely insane to suggest that people should be banned for mild insults, an intrinsic part of gaming, for 10 days or more. Eventually people will just stop talking to each other aside from necessary communication if that is the type of environment blizzard wishes to cultivate. It’s completely ridiculous. An MMO where you can’t insult people is not appealing to 99% of gamers. We all do it in voice chat anyways. And using this type of legalism to say “well TECHNICALLY its ‘abusive chat’” What a vague term. A vague term turned into a hammer to beat down freedom of expression in a videogame.

No, insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results.

I’m glad Blizzard is stepping up enforcement, as WoW has garnered a bad reputation of bad tempered, rude and foul mouthed players who cannot control themselves.

I do miss the days forum accounts was shut down when someone got banned ingame.


Every good game has garnered that reputation. Because strong feelings come out of competition when playing a good game. League of Legends had the same problem and now when you play games in LoL almost no one says anything outside of voice chat and pinging. That is what will happen to wow if the same ideals are followed.

Trash talking is a large part of the fun of video games. People do the same thing in competitive sports in real life. It should not be treated as reprehensible.

No, I think I’m going to keep advocating that Blizzard stop kowtowing to the hug box mentality instead. Anyways stop bumping my thread with your irrelevant argumentation.

Not what happened to me. When I got my 10 day suspension I had used a single bad word once. Unless they tacked on me calling people stupid then you could consider it 2 or 3 times that day. Which is idiotic if that’s why I got banned. Horrible hugbox mentality.

Prior to that I had only been muted once for 10 days more than a year before the day I got suspended.

They still have that problem. It hasn’t gone away, it’s actually gotten worse.

Then maybe you need to move to those games. Because that behavior is certainly not wanted here. Been playing since 2005, never been action-ed for saying anything out of sorts. I was brought up to respect others in public company, even in competitive environments. Trash talking is a sign of poor sportsmanship, and will get you ejected from games.


And they won’t be if they learn from the warning or the first 24 hours silence, or the longer silence that comes before they get their first suspension for it. Players have plenty of chances to learn before they get to the 10 day suspension point.

If the only way a player can play without getting banned for chat is to not talk, that’s on them. It takes time and thought to type out something mean an hit “enter,” it’s not like you said it before thinking.

If “abusive” chat is a hard concept for you, I don’t know what to tell you. Don’t insult others, how hard is that?

And while insults have become common in many games, they shouldn’t be. And I’m glad Blizzard is following other rpg-mmo games in taking steps to stop this kind of toxic behavior.


You say this but also say:

Suggests to me that you felt “falsely reported”.

According to what you say, here:

Suggests to me that you were told why the action will remain due to you swearing/saying a mean word/whatever it is that you did.

Two years, ago. According to what was said, here:

That’s probably our difference there. I wasn’t aware of a (according to you):

I always just opened up a ticket, and the team still reviews and expresses why my actions (if I have any) will remain.

Nor does it mean that rule will change.

I’d like to point out that you think they were able to say them. As I speak from experience (even though I probably shouldn’t say this because it’s against the rules), you absolutely would get actioned even back in Wrath for saying slurs and swearing. All I can say is, I’m speaking from experience.

This is not true.

I’m happy you got away with what I couldn’t. Oh dear, I’m about to get into trouble LOL

I disagree with that. If you break the rules, you should be punished.

Sometimes, harsher punishments are necessary to deter bad behavior regardless of how “big” or “small”.

That was the only option (besides a full on ban), back in the day, since the Silence system didn’t exist when certain individuals (won’t say any names) got in trouble :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Even the “small” rules need to be dealt with, as well. Can only “get away with it” for so long.

This thought process is exactly why we had the Social Contract shoved in our face, to curb this mentality. Insulting and using impolite words is part of the toxicity problem. We shouldn’t be treating each other this way.

I’ve never hit an appeal button, no. I’ve always just opened up a ticket and tried to appeal that way.

No, but it is name calling and shouldn’t be acceptable behavior.

I understand, I’ve been there.


10 days means it wasn’t your first rodeo, no matter what you claim here. Remember, chat penalties stack, even if it’s been a while between them.

That or it wasn’t just for calling someone “stupid”


Sorry, that’s bull.

There is no cool off, also 10 days a year ago, that means you have been silenced at least 4 or 5 times. Blizzard just changed the punishments a couple of months ago as a lot of the malcontents weren’t learning.

You got a history and it caught up with you.


Yeah, back in the day, there was no “Silence System”. It was just a Suspension or a Ban. I definitely learned not to swear…in the game, at least :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Burning Crusade was when it was put into play. They expanded it back in 2016. It’s always been there, now it’s being strictly enforced. You are right, they used to perma-ban accounts.


Because you’re under the misguided assumption that I was advocating that my punishment be completely removed. I was suggesting to the GMs that I merely be muted instead of banned from the game for more than a week.

If you read my whole post I was only able to come to this point by making a ticket. And the only easy way I could figure out to make said ticket was to go through the system that asks you questions trying to stop you from making a ticket, and said that my issue was about being unable to pay something. And so ofc with the threat of losing money I was allowed by the system to make a ticket. In the ticket I then said that my actual issue was about my ban.

Well like I said I couldn’t figure out an easy way to do that. I just tried to follow the suggested channels and was lead to an appeal feature. All it does is let you submit an appeal without saying anything. And last time I checked there is no way for you to actually write a ticket about making an appeal because the ticket system will simply direct you to the appeal feature and will not allow you to write a ticket under that category.

And I’m telling you from experience that I’ve said things back then that would easily get me banned today and I said these things in chats where many, many players can see, and I did not get punished at all for it. And this was after players… (used certain in game systems to let Blizzard know of actions that they find another player did that was unpleasant) me. I’m sure there has to be a statute of limitations on these things right?

I’m saying there should be less rules.

IMO increasing the length of the mute, not escalating to suspension is far more appropriate for these actions. I can’t be convinced that being unable to play the game is a reasonable punishment.

I literally said it wasn’t. But my last infraction was close to a year if not more than a year prior. It is ridiculous that someone should have their punishment escalated after a year of good behavior. Even 3 months of good behavior should be considered exemplary.

That’s not what I said. I said i called someone stupid in addition to the word that I was banned for. I am not saying that my punishment was not clearly appropriate given the code of conduct. I am saying that it has happened to other people and I do no want it to happen to me.

That’s ridiculous. The last time I was muted before that time was several years before that. Possibly close to 5 years considering I had stopped playing wow for several years. You’re telling me that even if I say nothing for the next 20 years of playing wow and then I make one false move I’ll be banned from the game for more than 10 days? That can’t be how it works.