Appeal Process and Talking with a GM

Bots are as old as wow same with cheaters as long as there are people looking for the easy way out there will be cockroaches that will exploit the lazy and stupid.


Blizzard also investigates the movement of gold - tracking the channels of compromised accounts used etc. So instead of banning a bot or cheater, they catch much more of those involved too.

It also takes time to investigate how a bot works, how to break the bot, and how to break it without breaking the game.


Wheres the money gona come from that subscriptions is where its gona come from.


GMs don’t need to speak with you with appeals. Especially since a SFA was kind enough to elaborate why you were sanctioned.

You’re trying your utmost to deflect YOUR bad behavior to cheaters, bots and anyone else. None of that makes any difference. Other’s bad behavior doesn’t excuse yours. Other people treating you poorly does not give you a free pass to break the rules YOU agreed to. Though I will remind you and anyone else to report those breaking the rules. You can’t come here, pointing fingers to someone else’s bad behavior if you yourself are not reporting them.

I’d like to see the legitimate documentation of this claim.

Blizzard has always been reactive. The one time in memory when they actively sat and tried to police a certain den of iniquity - it backfired terribly.

Do you even realize just how many people they would need to do what you’re asking? You have to figure a Horde and an Alliance GM in every zone on every continent on each and every realm for each region the game is played across the world. It’s easy to demand these things, but folks don’t think about how many new employees would be required and all of the work and money that would be needed.


I think were done here thwy just want to argue its not worth it.

Because they found that that method was demonstrably worse.

It only made bot writers bolder, encouraged them to change their code if even ONE of their programs was discovered. And then all that work Blizzard did to discover and reverse engineer that one incident would have been useless in working on the next. And the next, and the next one after that. Whack-a-mole didn’t work.

Now with ban waves, they can hit tens of thousands at once.


Because they don’t need to be in-game. They simply don’t have time. It’s a minority of players that want in-game GM appearances, but it’s a majority of players that demand faster ticket response times.

Not having GM’s making in-game appearances has NOTHING do with the quality of better customer service. It actually makes it worse when you consider the big picture.

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Fine you want better gm service you 3 choices
apply to be one
Post in general
Or use the ingame suggestion feature.
Nothing will be done in the cs forums it wont be passed on.


You’re the only one offering opinion, however. Everyone else is trying to explain the logistics. Do I miss the occasional day when a GM would reach out to me while I was questing in the Eastern Plaguelands? Of course.

Would I wish longer ticket queues on the rest of the community as a result? Absolutely not. That would be utterly selfish.

But as Darthwraith has provided your options for putting your opinion where it will be noticed by the people that have the power to make those changes, now it is time to bow out.


I’ve played since the beginning and I don’t know what you are referring to. Needing to stop my play to respond to a GM for no reason, only one ticket open at a time (which makes me decide which issue is more important), a phone line that was constantly full.

Those were not good days. Just because a GM told a joke or magically appeared in game did not make it awesome service.


im not talking about the trolling of thte old GM, im talking about how friendly they were, and efficient they were.
really in extreme efficient. that why i miss that days.

Theres a huge difference between a small mmo 20 yrs and now just like the game had to change the roles of gms had to as well. 20 yrs ago you could easily get a gm by making a ticket for something they cant help with.

Now blizzards rightfully streamlined it to prevent players from gimmicking the system and making ticket times longer then it needed to be. If you have to trick the system to get help for something a gm cant do you dont need a ticket.

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i dont said the gm of taday are not efficient, i just think they are not where they have to be, inside the game.

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So you want ticket queue times to blow out to weeks for the sake of in-game appearances?

Because that is what will happen - and exactly what was happening in the past…

No thanks.


I totally understand what you are saying. But I can see that the game has evolved over time and we are the ones that need to adapt to it.

I played from Vanilla Wow - Cata non stop before taking a break and coming back by the end of Dragonflight. A lot of the way things are handled on the Customer Service end today are different. Yes there used to be a lot of GM interactions for in game stuff and even things about other players/friends accounts and problems they tried their best to handle and take care back then which was nice (not saying they don’t now).
But today it feels like now we get templates of the same answers after a filling a form doesn’t it.

Game and management and internal structure at Blizzard has changed and we just need to learn to adapt and accept and deal with today’s quality of Blizzard and their CS. It isn’t just as good to some of us as it was before.


Over time they have changed and adapted , how they deal with things has come down to saving time. Quicker to use templates and not talk to everyone. Other wise like others have said ticket times would be a lot longer.

Cs has become less personal but it is a matter considering how much staff you can add vs working smarter with less and in the end make more. Being publicly traded they have to side with more profit.

Has cs gotten worse? No just your expectations have and getting a suspension or ban does also not equal that either

Years ago GMs needed to be in the game to do certain things. That is why they were seen in the game. You didn’t get to “see” them every ticket. It didn’t give better service. It impacted ticket times. Their tools have improved. GMs no longer have to log into the game to do things. It has made ticket handle time shorter.


I can understand your frustration when you did not get the answer you wanted.

Based on the Blue Post that was quoted, even if a GM was in game and watching, you would still be penalized for using Profanity.

You must learn to control your own behavior first.