Apparently The Vulpera Can Make Their Own Hearthstone Spot 😮

Looking at their Racials:

  • Make Camp : Make a camp at this location. Can only be used outdoors.
  • Return to Camp: Return to your camp. 1 Hour Cooldown.

makes sense. They don’t really have a home.


That is nice.

Thats actually not a half bad racia. especially if it persists until you make a new camp.

Now I have to actually level a Horde character to 120!


Damn, that’s a really nice way to emulate their wanderer fantasy. Not sure where you would use it, but it’s nice to have.

On top of whatever World Boss Mount you’re farming lol

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So basically a deathgate? Cool.

A Deathgate only takes you to one place. This can take you anywhere you decide.

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Deathgate with a much longer cooldown but a customizable destination.

I think that’s a decent trade-off for a racial.

Also, we don’t know if it shares a cooldown with a regular hearthstone, so bear that in mind.

Incoming Alliance whinging about how unfair it is that Horde Vulpera players get to set a custom Hearthstone spot.

God, that is so cool. It’s not even mechanically OP… it’s just really freaking fun.

Is this stupid race going to be the reason I go back Horde after almost 10 years?

Wait until they discover that the Vulpera get every single Mechagnome Class plus Shamans lol

Sha of Anger becomes a Vulpera major city lol


This is actually so sad. :sob:

Why can’t Night Elves get this then :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I need to get on it. My highest level was 85, and I did that in Cata when 85 was the max >.>

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This is my highest right here, (Nightborne and HMT)