Apparently Sylvanas is preggo

You are suppose to be a dragon rper not a draenei with that kind of armor!
tosses dragon armor at

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Hot. Who knows maybe he had “love” slaves and fathered multiple. This genuinely made me laugh though. I really can’t picture it because it’s so absurd.



People! PEOPLE! Read the freaking sign…


Move along, forumgoers. Nothing to see here. Move along. The forum mods will be back in the office Monday morning to swing the banhammer at the OP of this thread, along with other threads…

Okay I can live with that scenario :slight_smile:

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Well if the stupid crystal vampires from Twilight can get it on and impregnate humans females than I guess anything is possible.

I still question how TF that crystal body anatomy works.

Twilight, the only vampire franchise that somehow made vampires more of a blessing than a curse. I still find 0 downsides to being a vampire in that mess :tired_face:

Obviously it’s Koltira’s lol she’s had him locked up in her dungeon for a while.

“Shhh…quiet death knight… when I’m finished with you your fear will be gone”

“You can thank me later”


The one he’s talking about is the remake, but the woman was pregnant before she got zombified. Great cast in that movie, especially once I realized that the main woman, the nurse, played the little girl in Terry Gilliam’s version of Baron Munchausen.

Tentacle boy

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aaand that’s why I’m placing my bets on Anduin

I’ve heard of walking rocks becoming pregnant and even giant albino stags knocking up the moon itself, something like this really would not be a surprise.

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Oh my, hello…

Is that a Vindicaar matrix module in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? :wink: