So, decided to go get ZM opened on my most geared alt who never did anything SL related. Took a Chilling Summons, picked skip the Maw crap and now…nothing. I know they removed Threads of Fate (for reasons), but there’s not even an option to do the normal campaign. Only quests available on the map period is Eyes of the Wolf and The Al’ley Cat of Oribos.
Da Dook.
go talk to bolvar in front of stormwind keep
I did. I mentioned I did.
The questline both the normal way and the skip seem to be bugged, Blizzard is aware of this and I assume is attempting to get it back up and working as soon as they can.
so you did ( i just woke up)
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We’re going to try to have two of our toons who do have ZM teleport two of our other guys to Sepulcher and then log onto our mains and have them use the summoning stone to bring them in.
Hoping that works.
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You should’ve been able to skip the Maw and get ported to Oribos, where they do still offer ToF for 60 and above.
What exactly happened with the Maw portion?
Except they don’t Sen. You choose the skip and there’s just the guards standing, no fatescribes, no quest givers.
but you’re a lizard. Lizards love bugs
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Geckos are just so…sweet and stupid sometimes.
There’s at least 1 SL thread a day lol. So after a few confirmations from others and my own experience, you need to be exactly level 60. Go to the Death Knights, choose to skip the Maw, once you’re in Oribos no quests will show up, go back to your home city, talk to Chromie and have her set your timeline to Shadowlands. You’ll get the quest “Stranger in an even Stranger Land” go back to Oribos and skip everything, go straight to the back of the Inn and look for a white chat bubble on the map. Threads of Fate will be available.
If it doesn’t show up, have chromie switch your timeline again to something else like Battle for Azeroth and back to Shadowlands. Again this only works if you are exactly level 60, no higher or lower.
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Just imagine removing threads of fate.
They really dont like the players at all lol. They want people to suffer through shadowlands on every character almost.
I’m level 80 hoss. I mentioned on my best geared toon in the OP.
It’s a bug. Have to log out in Oribos, remain outside for a 15 minute wait, let the system catch up, and then log in. The guards will stop you and escort you. Happened to me on a lvl 70 Monk yesterday.
Thanks, I’ll be doing that with my two out of mothballs alts.
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Yeah, NGL, it was a tad annoying, but at my age I just shrug, let it happen, and move on 
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