App constantly 'pasting from clipboard' on iOS

Since the iOS14 update, every time I go to the Guild/Community section of the mobile app I get a constant stream of notifications appearing telling me that the app is attempting to paste from my iCloud shared clipboard. These notifications start popping up as soon as I select the Guild/Community ‘tab’ (I don’t need to enter a community) and continue in a constant stream until I leave the tab.

Apparently this issue is something that occurs since the iOS14 update added notifications to show when clipboard access was being attempted and this specific problem will be occurring because the mobile app is constantly checking the clipboard when it does not need to. Unfortunately it makes that part of the app unusable for me.

Agree that it’s extremely irritating but it’s one of the downsides to adoption of New APIs and System Functions. Unfortunately, unlike the Bluetooth Notifications, it cannot be disabled at this time by the end user themselves.

The overall functionality can be triggered by a wide variety of interactions, such as Ad-Networks “spying” on the clipboard for tracking purposes, Features that rely heavily on the clipboard to offer specific functionality (Chrome’s “Paste and Go” for the URL bar so it’s able to detect the proper input), or any other App that may have any sort of X-URL Callback Capabilities. An example of this is Reddit checking for Reddit-specific URLs in order to open the Native Application on the Users device that handles Viewing Reddit or even Text Editors pre-filling Blank Documents with Copied-to-Clipboard content, primarily text.

I haven’t a clue as to which would be activating this notification on WoW’s Companion App but I can say that it’s actively being worked upon by Apple to improve, technically reduce, the amount of times that notification is shown. I am currently testing iOS 14.2 Beta 3 and I’ve noticed a considerable drop in its appearance overall. I’ve yet to see it from the Companion app since the recent update to the client.

The problem actually went away with the first update to support older expansions, but the update I downloaded yesterday brought it back again.

I could sort of understand it if this only started happening when there was a text entry in focus (not that a bunch of other messaging apps appear to have the issue), but there’s no -user- interaction happening here that should warrant checking clipboard contents so far as I can see. This is happening before I even select a channel to view.

Hopefully whatever changed in the previous build can make its way back in again!