AP quest are useless after you cap your hearth of azeroth

This should have been something they added from the get-go.

Good thing. The grind is terribly boring.

And unlikely to end at 70. I expect more levels and more essences to grind in 8.3, unfortunately.

Should have stopped caring when you hit 65. I’ll be nearing 70 with less effort involved as the weeks go by before anything higher becomes relevant.

You mythic raider buddies are lazy AF then, my huntard that i boosted 4 weeks ago is 65 without doing any islands or wq, out side of the weekly / emissary.

I thought they changed it so if you were maxed out on AP it gave you some amount of gold instead?

So glad I’m far from cap, I guess.

I think I did cap it once previously.

The issue with legion that people were kind of forgetting.There was no hard cap. Technically just got harder and harder to raise the level to where eventually it was not worth it.