AP quest are useless after you cap your hearth of azeroth

Wondering why we keep getting AP quests after hitting the cap on the hearth of azeroth, at this point they are useless, can we trade them to alts or at least get some gold for them blizzard?


But you arent cap
 Oh nevermind. Grats dude.

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yea, with as little as i get a chance to play
this is something i will most likely never have to deal with.

I just got to 67 the other day but figured it will be a while before I get to 70.

Over many past expansions there has been some sort of “currency” (or points collection, like AP) that is used for limited things, and once you have obtained everything that currency is used for, you have no more need of it. But the availability to continue gaining that currency still remains.

This is nothing new.


So don’t do them


I stopped doing my weekly M+10 and Islands after Classic came out. Why’d you either bother hitting 70? You haven’t even downed Ashvane

Holy crap. How many island expeditions did that take?

We had this problem before 8.2 at 50. This isn’t new. Blizzard threw us a bone that bonus loot rolls rewarding AP would be converted to 2000g – after weeks of complaints and in-game suggestions. But nothing else that awards AP was changed.

So go ahead and start sending in-game suggestions, so that by end of 2019 (a few weeks before 8.3) they can throw us another bone for being capped on their no-forward-thinking HoA subsystem.

In Legion, the AP turned into gold. So that’s incorrect.


Only at the very end

When we capped, yes. And we could also sell AP tokens once upon a time, too.

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We capped multiple times. We could only sell the AP during the final cap.

Congrats, you finished 8.2 patch! Don’t grind AP anymore.


ITT: Humblebragging


And the point is, regardless of when, it did happen and it can happen again.

Another prime example: when you can’t earn XP for quests any longer, they give you gold.

If you’re going off Legion. Then it’ll happen when we finally cap the neck.

You mean 8.2.5, as part of another comment they said ‘in a few months when 8.2.5 comes out.’

That’s been corrected to “next few weeks.”

I’ll believe when I see it.