That’s not good enough!! If I can’t lord my cosmetics/mounts over everyone’s head and laugh at them for not getting them then it won’t be worth it!! /s
Very simple solution
git gud
lol, more like paying the game, considering how common boosts and paid guild carries are. Friends bringing along lower geared/skilled friends for achievements or pugging aotc is super common after the first couple weeks of a raid coming out, especially by the end of the season when everyone is fully geared and have it on farm and can easily carry dead weight to help get everyone they know the achievement.
Imagine thinking there’s “prestige” in such an easy-to-cheese achievement for anyone who wants to. And maybe you didn’t boost or get a carry, or get it pugging a month in, or near the end of the season when you were super geared, but… can you tell the difference between someone who did? Nope! But you want to gatekeep pixels that are more than a decade old, lol.
No one can take your accomplishments or Feats of Strength or achievements away.
I don’t think it has anything to do with “laughing at them because they don’t have it”. Whenever I see someone with a ToC mount, I always am impressed and happy to see that veteran players still play this game.
Nah, we’ll just buy them cause you seethe so hard and can’t address any valid points.
Your pixels will be fun to stuff in our inventory to never use again in this ancient game.
They cant. thats why they need it given to them and accuse others who have it of buying it.
Lmao so easy to cheese you have zero AotC huh
The game could shut down tomorrow and all the nonsensical “prestige” would be gone. AOTC is a joke and always has been, your “prestige” is waiting for you at CE.
id give anything to have this forum argument move into the arena
edit: spelling
Man the outrage is still going over a piece of no context datamining…man the pearl clutching here is real.
Why I love the Group called the Perky Pugs…they would take common non raiders into the raid and get them the AOTC mount for FREE…all the player had to do is join up in twitch and discord…and hope they got picked in the raffle …I got my 4 going with them…1000’s of non raiders got their AOTC that way.
The pearl clutchers are puking and crying reading this, lol
They were quite fun nights really even if you didn’t get picked…Perky Pugs would do it on weekends for 24 hour runs…all day and all night…all you had to do is be there and be ready …
Nobody cares about the way people obtain their AOTC mounts during current content.
Some people just don’t want their mounts to be given away years laters for a random in-game currency.
better to clutch pearls than cast them at the feet of swine
Odd butchered quote to pick considering people would love to buy your fake pixels with fake coins inside this totally pointless game.
If you actually think it is going up on the Trading Post for that price, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
And see I don’t mind this method. Because it builds community and there is still a need for effort involved
“Community” says the guy who calls people without AOTC bad. You’re just an elitist douche that aspires to Goldshire on Moonguard.