You’re right that a recolor provides a new thing for previous owners, but we still have the issue of the previous color not being available for new players, that’s a reason why collectors don’t have frequent new mount achivements for example, because Devs already mentioned that they usually wait years before adding new achievements due to the amount of removed items that are not availble to players, if we got most of the items available again, then the goal could be updated more frequently, also players will have the color that they want which is really important for a player fantasy.
10000000% this.
I’ve always been annoyed how PVP exclusivity is treated. Bring back all the elite sets and put them on a token vendor or something for PVP content in similarity to the saddles. Bring back all the enchants, bring back the mounts. Let the titles be exclusive if they need a little something, but that’s it really. I’m sure this would also revitalize the PVP scene because players would have much more to pursue in terms of past cosmetics instead of the base stuff you can get just from random BG’s. So it’s a win for even PVP’ers.
AOTC mounts
Glad mounts
Legion Mage Tower Skins
All on the Traders Post
Thats where this is headed
That didn’t bother me so much, I bought it from the shop in December. The event was in June, 6 months later then put on the TP in July, a couple of weeks after the event.
As far as the OP, I doubt it’s going to actually be on the TP. Common sense would indicate that it’s part of the Pandamonium event.
Why does what some other MMO thinks about WoW matter?
There are plenty of people who have rare things saying they’re okay with them being made available to everyone. I’m one of them. I’ve never been a fan of things in video games being exclusive or limited-time. Not just in WoW, but any game I play. Pre-order bonuses, events that required you to be somewhere in-person to get something given to you (like the older Mythical Pokemon), low drop-rate stuff cosmetic stuff that you just need to hope you get during a holiday event? none of that should be in stuff we’re ultimately playing to relax and enjoy. There’s enough of that in real life.
Came back to say this. Trading post is chores, getting aotc is actually playing the game all these people who are down bad for unobtainables coming back want it because they lack skill
Yaaaay i got my wolf after doing 10 pet battles! Yeah right gtfo of here.
Its the store mount buying, vulpera playing, lfr “raiding”, blizzcon watching,murloc loving, trade chat rping, peace loving, <10k achievement point having, parasites dragging the game down
Guilds/groups were literally doing paid carries. Pay the gold and get carried for the mount.
Stop being disingenuous
Their is a big differance in mythical pokemon and cosmetic rewards.
For the longest time yes it sucked that alot of pokemon couldn’t be atainable for most people because we couldn’t go to those events to get them but they then made them atainable in other ways which is fine, why because those have power attached to them some of them were crazy strong or just op which is why people wanted them.
The items in trading post don’t have power thus their is no unfair advantage to having them just the want to have them. Cosmetics have been a reward in MMO’s for ages everyone has chased that one mog they really like and some are bound to events some long begotten and again thats fine they are rewards for those people that were playing the game at that time.
Pre-order bonuses are mostly just cosmetic’s that you get for either taking the gamble on a game or for just ordering early, hell nowadays most pre-order bonuses are just a dlc pack now that you can buy so it’s just a thanks for buying early thing.
Just because you arn’t a fan of exclusive things doesn’t mean everyone else is exclusive items are things that encourage people to go do some activeitys for the longest time that was raiding and pvp and thats fine having a goal is always a good thing will everyone reach the goal no not every time but it makes that time when you do reach it all the more meaningful.
Amen brother
I have the AotC mounts. I’d like to see them all come back. I have all the MT artifact appearances I want and I hope they come back too.
Just another troll…
you dont speak for everyone
Oh no anyone that says something mean is a troll
Despite it being the exact reason stated that this game has been going downhill for YEARS. Across the board. Every former player and nearly any MMO player out there will tell you that this is the exact reason why things keep going downhill for WoW
Sorry, your casual friends aren’t entitled to rewards from content they refuse to do
did you see the 2023 recap video blizz put out on YT? i couldnt watch that for longer than 20 seconds
You two are some salty pearl clutchers, lol. It’s a game and we’re gonna have your little pixels soon :3 Until Blizz does something to prevent your meaningless achievements being sold for tokens, nothing will change.
I’ll have you know Chris Metzen beamed a message into my brain while i was watching Return of the King and he said “the true wow fans are in control”
Neither do you.
If you believe this I have a bridge to sell you.
And there’s still a goal for people to aim for even if cosmetic things are available to everyone: Achievements and Feats of Strength. And aside from pre-Wrath content, those come with a nice little date stamp that says it was done when the content was current for anyone who wants to say they did it when it was, as you put it, “more meaningful.”
ok knife ear