AotC is not comparable to a gladiator mount. That would be more along the lines of a CE mount or mythic only drop mount. Not pathetic heroic.
But they should, tho.
Let if workd like the actual saddles, but above 2.4k rating and X wins.
Everyone will be happy
I don’t have a prob with this.
Aotc mounts are just a bonus for killing the final exp boss in heroic, nothing skill about it.
Not the same thing as MT skins or mop and wod CMs.
For me personally, stuff like this really kills the incentive to even go for things in the game and it doesn’t feel good to just “buy” it. I actually do enjoy earning things. Not a fan of, “You have X amount of days to earn Y before it’s gone forever.” BUT for mounts/etc like this it does makes sense.
Too bad. Maybe AOTC is all some players can do. If they’re going to devalue time sensitive rewards then it should be fair across the board.
That includes your bug mount, Mr. Ion.
Challenge mode rewards should be brought back and require those that want to earn it to go through a properly scaled timewalking challenge of MoP/WoD challenge modes
If you want an old AOTC mount, do AOTC in the current expansion and earn a currency to buy an old AOTC mount
If you want an old Gladiator mount, earn gladiator in the current season and earn a currency to buy an old Gladiator mount
Properly scale the mage tower so it’s similar to the original challenge and those that want to earn their missing skins can do it etc etc (edited)
Scarab Lord: Let people progress on it during the micro holiday and again use scaling tech
OG Naxx and ZG: let people do it during a vanilla timewalking event (edited)
I think your suggestions would make the game more attractive and entertaining. The removal of the Mage Tower weapons were one of the biggest mistakes in WoW, similar to the BfA/SL-storyline, and we need to move in a better direction as an evergreen content game.
They might as well pull the ripcord for all mounts to include promotional mounts, and arena mounts if they are going to make past-AOTC mounts available
Great ideas…
They could even utilize classic wow for this since you pay a sub and get access to both games, you want tier 3? you have options in retail bmah and the grind method but also you can play seasonally on classic servers and earn it via raiding then after the season is over the char can be copied to retail, you have tier 3 and an achievement based on the copy date, this way the og collectors get their achievement date and the people who got it newer will get their date.
Same with scarab lord, if someone really wants it, they could earn it in seasonal game play then copy to retail, same with all unobtainable stuff.
Maybe a silly idea but it would drive growth on classic and retail, make the game more fun and you work for it and its meaningful content, trading post is just lazy
I’m fine with it. It’s a mount. shrug
I support this, its not like anyones gonna use this anyway. Doesnt fly or DR.
So what you essentially saying here:
- first one: loot pinata with no difficulty
- seconds one: bought with gold quite cheap
- third one: very easy loot pinata (same difficulty as it was in Legion)
did I miss anything?
At 7899 tenders not many people are going to be able to buy.
It’s not even worth 3k tenders.
1600 would be a fine price (100% increase) for a mere ground mount.
If they start putting reward items on Trader’s Post it will be the coup de grace of this game.
If they do this, then Blizzard may as well get rid of any sort of time limits for rewards. All we have to do is just wait until it’s up on the Trading Post.
So when will the Gladiator mounts be available?
Hopefully soon.
The fact is … nothing should be unobtainable.
It is juts when people say things like “Gladiator mounts must be hard worked for”,
I cant shake off that video where player just watches how his mage completely controlled by bot in arena wrecks everything, or those incessant carry ads in trade.
Lots of players got carried for their “hard earned” rewards as well.