AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

Gatekeeping = bad
Giving unobtainable rewards away on the trading post for free just as bad if not worse.

I am not against the reintroduction of items that have been previously removed if people have to earn them again, giving them away completely devalues the work that people did to earn them and its offensive and lazy on Blizzards part, just a way for them to not make new items or in game events.

“oh we are short on a mount for this month”
“really, i have an idea, lets just add x AOC mount”

Then before you know it this starts to happen all the time and they don’t bother to make new items.

I don’t want to see old mounts every month i want to see new things.

Make challenge mode sets available but add them back in challenge modes. Make AOC mounts available but create raid events for them such as the LFR version of molten core.

I knew when we started seeing old shop mounts on the TP that they would resort to this and its lazy.

Bring everything back but do it in a meaningful way!

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nah there are plenty of people who disagree with you here, there are alot of people who do current season for rewards they know will be gone, and by this logic i think alot more people will just not show up. and i will personally leave once they implement this because it means everything you work for means nothing.

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You guys are all correct. I propose that Blizzard just unlock all the pets/mounts/toys in our tabs and allow us access to everything. Happy now? I’m happy now. We will only play for fun now.

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are there? i think its just you.

if the only reason they play is collect future unobtainables, then its probably time to move on.

blizzard has been bringing things back for months now.

it never meant anything to begin with. they’re pixels in a video game. none of it is a tangible or real. the game could close tomorrow.

the “meaning” was the friends and enjoyment you had along the way.

Dear gods…There is NOTHING stated that this is coming to the Trading post. It is Datamining. There is no context. This is not official word from Blizzard.



People said the same thing about the shop mounts, RAF mount and remember the trading tendies currency? People said “its for expansion packs” turned out to be bundles…

I hope i am wrong but why add a tendies price to it? Makes zero sense!

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Okay, Four things here.

1.) I don’t remember anyone complaining about the shop mounts…I could be wrong but most seemed to be in favor of it, and also made recommendations to bring back more.

2.) The Refer a friend mount had some small contention but again. Most seemed happy to see it back.

3.) Ion Literally said Bundles and expansion sales. He literally said the bundles would be a thing, then people got mad when what he said came to be a thing.

4.) The price attached to this is WAY beyond what even the Bar rewards are listed for when they are datamined, which is usually 999. Meaning more than likely this is a Place holder before the mount gets added to whatever event it will be connected to.


Tyrael’s charger opened the flood gates. They will all show up sooner or later. The more exclusive ones most likely when the games pop is dire


I hope you are right… Really i do but i have a feeling this won’t be the case.

We won’t know till Blizzard gives us official word.

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If WoWhead felt what was datamined was compelling enough to name the evidence as such, then it’s probably pretty compelling evidence. Blizzard doesn’t have a great track record of “siding with players” these past couple of years, so I’m certainly not giving them the benefit of the doubt.

If Blizzard doesn’t offer these mounts via Trading post, then kudos to them. I really hope they don’t. But so far, if something is datamines, it’s because that’s what they’re going to do.

WoWhead puts up every bit of Datamining that they get their hands on. And they also state in the article that it isn’t indicative of being on the Trading post. They say there is a chance it could be connected to Time Walking Siege of Orgrimar.


Who said anything about swords? If you actually read my post, I gave my reason for why I think a recolor would be nice. Seems to me you’re the drama queen here. :roll_eyes:

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Truth. The debate is fun, but this is almost 100 percent not going on the Trading Post.

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What annoyed me about Tyrael’s Charger was how they brought it back. They put it on the shop for real money, then a month later had it drop in game from an event. Then they put it on the TP. It felt slimy imo.


My main source of disappointment is that the mount is being added to the TP instead of being made accessible through retuned content. Old raids were fun, Horrific Visions were fun as heck, some previous M+ seasons were great.

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And I gave you a reason why it’s not.

Why do you want to change an established colorization for your own sake? The Kor’kon-style is its own type and you would ruin it, like Blizzard also did with the pre expansion mount for BfA, where you never can get a complete set with the flying mount if you like the Night Elves or Forsaken.

Therefore the answer is no recolor. I do hope that the game has more theme park sets than actual racial, classes and faction sets at this point. It’s a good thing that the mount comes back.

cause a bunch of people piled in here to complain about it.

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I see that.