AOTC mount

I have always did my AOTC runs with group called Perky Pugs…they don’t charge any gold…its a raffle system to get in on a run for the mount…yeah some times it takes more then one night waiting to see if you get picked but every time I have gone on to join up I have gotten in.

They were the same group in WoD called Friendship Dragon runs…that is how they started out.

Just dont buy boost brah… i mean its a mount you didnt earn lol… plus you might get banned if its by a boosting community … just play the game like everyone else

I will be throwing myself at the raid 2x/week until I get that mount. Spending hours gearing up, getting mats, and spending a lot gold on consumables.

The thought of someone like you buying yours, doesn’t really bother me. I’ll see 100’s flying around before I get it. I won’t know how they got it. Yeah there’s an addon that can tell me how many bosses they’ve killed. I’m not wasting my time actually looking. Your money, your time.

I’m also not a fan of this AOTC mount tbh. I don’t raid for the mounts anyways.