Aotc Hunter/DH/Mage Looking for EST Guild

Hey there, we’re looking for a DH for our team! Vitae Rising is an adult-only AOTC guild on Thrall that raids Tues & Thurs, 10pm-1am EST. Currently 3/8H, 8/8N and outside of raid times, we have quite a few people who enjoy both keys and alts. Add me on discord at Fenrirulv or in game Rawrabear#1450 and lets chat!

Hey there Jay, would love to chat with you about our team. You seem like a great fit! Here’s some info about us, I sent you a discord request. Have a great day!

Ice Cream Social is a raid team within CORE, a community based around CORE, The Instance and other Frogpants Network shows. The guild (and team) are safe and inclusive for all walks of life!

We raid Sunday and Monday 7:30-9:30 pm MST (8:30-10:30 pm Central)

Our goal is to achieve AOTC while maintaining and cultivating an atmosphere of laid back fun. If this sounds like the place for you, we would love to chat with you!

The team is 1/8H. Our community is very active, both in game and in our discord. We regularly do M+, other raids and have events as well.

Arakkias (Team Lead)
Discord: arakkias
BNet: Arakkias#1208

Sick Society is looking for DPS. Our raid nights are Sun/Mon 9pm est to 1130 pm est and our current progression is 3/8H 8/8N. We are also recruiting M+/social PVP and leveling players. Add my btag for more info or an invite :smiley: Barbiedoll#11882 or my discord barbiedoll6809