Hello, we’re gearing up for raid and could use a couple more people. Please reach out to us if you are interested in chatting. Thanks!
Im interested. I’m a fury warrior. My discord is @Maynird
Still looking for a few more! Could use one more healer
Still need a warlock! Hit us up!
Any need for a 583 mage? Also have WWmonk, and Devoker in the 570s.
Add me on discord Advent.
Still in need of a healer, and a warlock
Still could use another healer!
Looking for a couple DPS. Warlock high priority
Looking for more for current clears, and next tier! whisper me and lets talk. Jaystir#1960
Hey all! We’re recruiting all roles for 11.1 please reach out. Bnet - Jaystir#1960 or discord jaystir (originally known as Jaystir#1204)
Recruiting all for 11.0.7!
Sent a Bnet request. Looking for a raid next tier. Played mostly mage this season in raid but can play any dps spec needed.
Looking for a spot to tank in. Currently 8/8H, haven’t stepped into mythic. 2680 io/632 ilvl as tank, and I can also heal if needed, I have a 629 set for it.
Did you add me Sheek and Nico? if not please do. We’re Still recruiting all for 11.1
Hey all! Still looking for more people for 11.1 add me if you’re interested!
Good morning! Still recruiting all classes/roles for next tier! Hit us up
Opening recruitment again for 11.1 Hit us up!