AOTC Guild 8/8H Recruiting ALL for 11.1

AotC! Still looking for a couple extra dps for mythic next week, with priority to a WW and DH

Still looking for a couple for mythic!

Still looking for a couple for mythic prog with a priority to a WW, and a DH!

Looking for all for 10.2!

getting back into raiding/m+
3-4k player in keys, haven’t raided for real since legion outside of classic/classic hc/wotlk hard modes.

interested in playing ww.
ping me on discord tomatosaucin#1858

Still looking for a few more for new tier! Could use a tank and/or healer!

Looking for more! Could use a lock!

Looking for heals! Hit us up :slight_smile:

are you looking for rogue?

Hi Deth,

Yes we are, we do not currently have a rogue!

Add me and we’ll chat!

Discord(preferred) Jaystir
Bnet: Jaystir#1960

DK here, interested! added you guys on Bnet and Disc.

replying with actual main…

Hi , do you guys have any intrest/need for a 477 AotC BM hunter , I am looking for Mythic Amirdrassil and M+ keys. I have no issue going in H Amir as heck I could gladly use a Pips like probably a lot :grin:. If there is any intrest let me know. I tried reachin out on discord but had no luck.

Thanks for the adds, We’re still looking for a couple more DPS(healing and/or tank offspecs a plus!) to round out our mythic roster. Add me if you’re interested!

Jaystir#1960 - Bnet
Jaystir - Discord(preferred)

Still looking for some peeps for mythic!

Looking for all, tank/heal/dps. Add me if you’re interested!

Still looking, need a tank, a heals, and a couple Deeps

Looking for more! add me!

Good Morning! Need 1 or 2 more. Could use a tank, and a dps or two.

Are you still looking for a DPS?