AOTC Fury Warrior LF 1 Day Per Week AOTC Chill Raiding Guild

I am a fury warrior on horde Mal’Ganis with CE for last tier and AOTC heroic this tier. Had a falling out with my old guild and now looking for more of a casual 1 day per week raiding guild that focuses on AOTC and chill vibes. I am free 8pm-12am ST during the week and pretty much available all day on the weekends. Feel free to check my logs and raider io. You can whisper me on Manstuff or add me at Crimson#1467

I literally just had to double take because I thought you were my guildy. Their tag is the same with slightly different numbers at the end lmao. We’re a 1 night a week guild (afk til TWW launch) that does AOTC in an incredibly small numbers of pulls on Friday nights starting at 9PM EST. We will grab the freebies in Mythic raid, but aren’t looking to do 100+ pulls on a boss like we all did back when we were sweaty proggers. DTL was the top 1 night a week guild in Nyalotha (CE :slight_smile: ), but we’re not looking to play like that anymore. We do a post raid podcast too if you like to hang out, but most of the people only play 1-2 days a week. I play a lot more, but I’d be the exception to the rule.