AOTC DPS/Blood DK LF Mon. and/or Tues. raid guild

Hi Lad,

I’ll leave a bit of info, and if you’re interested please reach out and we can chat. Our guild is No Pressure on Stormrage and we’re picking up a few dps. Raid is Tuesday 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST, and occasionally we’ll schedule a 2nd night on Thursday/Friday depending on prog, vaults etc. (that 2nd night is optional, and depends on if we have enough available).

Currently 8/9N and 1/8H (we start our Heroic progression next week, 9/24/24).

I’ll drop our forums post below with all the info.

Link to Forum Recruitment Post

Hope to hear from you,
Kass - Bnet: KassiG#1130