AOTC Disc Priest LF Raiding Spot

Coming back to retail and looking for a new place to call home. I have accomplished getting AOTC almost every tier (the ones I haven’t gotten AOTC on are the times I took a year+ break from the game) looking for a AOTC minded raiding guild with a core healing spot. Always doing high keys in the down time of raiding so a guild with a strong M+ group is a plus. Very laid back person with the humor to make a mom clutch her pearls, all while having the mind set to get things cleared.

If it is necessary, I will supply logs if asked from a guild I would consider joining.

Raid Time Availability

  • Tuesday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST
  • Wednesday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST
  • Thursday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST

What I Bring to the Table

  • Actively running keys
  • Taking criticism, if constructive
  • Always early for raid times
  • Always fed, flasked and repaired
  • Can hold my own on meters and such
  • Commited to guild progress

What I Look/Don’t Look For

  • Mature group - I’m 31
  • Preferably 2 nights a week for raids, but can do 3 if the raid times are shorter
  • No married guild masters - it always just becomes messy
  • Loot rules are fine, finer details in conversation
  • Carrying people just isn’t fun on progression
  • Strong core guild that is always running things together and pushing others

Contact (B-Tag/Discord)
B-Tag: GlitterCop69#1823
Discord: .throwthatassinaprayercircle69 (are you getting my humor yet?)

Happy gaming!

Contact me Jaypanda on Stormrage. I will be on most days this week.