AOTC and CE added to classic wotlk

Yes, in addition to the people who will just /gamequit if they don’t get it too.
I’ve seen a lot of “former players” over the years that left after not getting the AotC achievement a couple of tiers in a row.

if the guild is so bad that they can’t beat current content…I’d leave too.


We won’t implement a system that would help players get through dungeons, revive leveling alts, or allow badge farming/gearing for alts… But we’ll implement a purely gatekeeping achievement that will further enforce the exclusion of players who don’t spend 24/7 playing this game.

Wrath is pretty much retail now, at least community-wise, now that we’ll see the retail “PM AOTC for invite” spam for pug groups.


Buh bye then i guess.

I mean if aotc is just clearing ulduar I’m not really that upset about it.

Right now literally anyone can clear naxx 25.

It’s been buffed 30% can you imagine if it wasn’t?

Good to have slightly more challenging gameplay.

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I already see people requiring achievements for 10 man naxx runs, so how will this be any different?


“We like Classic because you had to work to play the game, you weren’t just handed things like in retail.”

“Nooooo you can’t add in exclusive achievements to Classic that require work, that’s what retail does.”

Classic andys are something else entirely, and I don’t mean that as a compliment.


what are you even talking about. AOTC doesn’t even reward anything. with a very few exceptions i.e. siege of orgrimmar. these are no different.

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he’s trying to claim no one will take him to raids without linking the AotC and is pretending that people don’t already gatekeep with logs, GS, or achieves.

thats good we need more things to work towards.

I said NOTHING of the sort.

I said that garbage like these achievements belong in retail where they started and not Classic where we’d have to get to MoP before they even appeared.

I also said that they’re guild killers.

Stop gatekeeping and gaslighting. Classic should remain pure, not some revisionist fantasy of Ion’s since he’s destroyed everything else he’s touched.

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guilds incapable of downing content usually die yes


oh no a random FoS that give no reward and no point how awful

Can I have your stuff?

I don’t mind the aotc achievement tbh, it’s just hilarious that they’re importing so much from retail yet Brian still won’t concede on RDF.


Ive literally never even seen that, much less participated in such a group

Sounds made up

Oh, great! Another clown who play on realm where his faction is almost 90% of the total population, utters the magical phrase: “at least we don’t have RDF”.

I hope that people are just trolling at this point about no-RDF being good decision.

I play on EU-Ashbringer Alliance side and if I miss the time window where most my guild do their daily heroics, it can take very long before I find group even though I play tank/healer. Trying to find group for low level content when leveling alt, is foolishness.

So, yeah, I acknowledge the fact that RDF was anti-social, I acknowledge the benefits of the new Group Finder, but Blizzard managed the entire thing poorly.
They rather, to be more accurate didn’t managed it at all.
They allowed the realms to become extremely unbalanced in faction population and allowed cross-realm play only for Battlegrounds.

Blizzard is like: “If you can’t afford to spent several hours in queue trying to form full group… well, that’s just too bad. Not all is lost though. You can always abandon your guild and use the paid service to move all of your characters to different realm in case it’s not locked.”

At this point I don’t really care about what else they will bring into WotLK Classic.
I’m loosing interest, I have plenty of other games that slowly taking the priority over the WoW Classic.
I’m still somewhat interested in heroic+ and all that stuff coming with phase 2, but I was never the hardcore raider who need to unlock every raid achievement, and frankly, neither is the majority of my guild.


I dont think id want these added, mind you plenty of groups have asked me for proof of kill achievements for the current raid tier… I guess there harmless to have, although i dont really want Fomo stuff in wotlk

Ok, sigh

If your guild can’t achieve AoTC in retail… I am sorry, but it is made of people who really hate the game.

Anyone who likes the game and wants to get better at it gets AotC. For you to just never get it means you’re playing with 19 people who are dead set at never reading any guides, never watching better players play the game and never, ever learning anything. A brand new WoW player can get to AoTC level in less than 6 months.

So yeah, people who hate the game eventually quit. Go figure.


Oh hey garmuck