AOTC 412 ilevel Druid tank lf guild

Hi, so ive was main tank for a guild this whole expac and have now left because they were too toxic. They took away my main tank spot just to give it to a guild officer since he had just made a tank. I mean that makes sense right. Take away your main tanks spot to give it to a 2 week old tank. Especially during mythic progression. I mean why not right. That officer was bad at dps, bad at heals, and guess what bad at tanking also. They see that his tanking is total crap and ask me to tank for them again. I dont play those kind of games so i left. So here I am, looking for a new guild to call home. Hopefully one with better morals, and commitment to their people. I can raid any day during the week. Im in Cali so i preffer a guild that raids after 6pm server. I also like doing mythic+ so i can be a big help with that. Pvp also but that isnt something that i look for in a guild, if theres people that wanna pvp thats cool too.

I have logs also if needed.

Drac #1970

Hi! This might be a long shot since we are alliance but here goes. We are on Llane-Arygos and we are looking for a dedicated tank that’s gonna stay with us for the long haul. We are not a hardcore guild but we do have progression in mind. Currently 3/9M BoD and 2/2H CoS with raid times Fri/Sat @ 10p-1a EST. If interested to chat, please add us: mabelle#1433 and vcronwen#1282. Here’s hoping to hear from you! :smiley:

Hello, as tempting as your offer is im gonna have to pass. Im Horde at heart. I cant make the switch to alliance again. But thank you for considering me.