AOO needs to be upped to 400

Conquest gear got upped and it’s not the start of the tier so it needs to be upped to 400 as well.
AOO season 1 = heroic gear
There is absolutely no reason why it shouldn’t be heroic level this season.


You can Deathball to conquest cap for 400. Your argument holds no water. Next!


Deathballing may be the only way you can do AOO, but it’s far from the only way to do it. And by definition, you only get the quest when the odds are 1v2 or worse. If you want to complaining about “unearned” gear, you should be looking at war fronts, or weekly quests like “do four M0”.

No gear is in the game to reward people who earned it, anyway. All gear in the game is there to keep people playing. And making AOO rewarding enough to make it worth doing keeps war mode in balance and keeps people playing.


Says the guy who has no argument, so cute, keep trying sweetie


You don’t get three tours of duty just from AOO.


Blizz obviously thinks otherwise. That’s why season 1 aoo was heroic and season 2 started out as heroic until hordies like you cried and cried. It’s time to up it back to 400 along with conquest cap rewards.


Welfare gear not high enough for alliance ?


Says the welfare faction.


LMAO! I earned ALL WM achievements before you did Irisse.

Anyway, I’m bowing out. Not going to catch a forum suspension because you baddies want welfare gear with no effort.


Horde wants their 10% Azerite bonus without any actual PVP for it again?


Allaince want the 20 prevent bonus AND welfare gear … :joy::joy:


I realize conquest capping is hard for alliance … I mean you gotta win BG’s with equal no of players for that


He actually did PvP when it was hard for alliance … unlike the AOO hero’s who only showed up in December .


Actually Alliance want to drive the bonus back down to 15%, if not 10%.

The funny thing is, back when Horde were whining about AOO providing gear that was too powerful, which was true, Alliance didn’t disagree. Now that Alliance are pointing out that AOO is now providing gear that is too trivial, though, Horde are complaining, even though they’ve agreed that the war mode balance brought about when AOO was in the right place was good.

He admitted that he quit doing world PVP in favor of PVE stuff like M+ toward the end of 8.0, so no, not if by “hard” you mean when Alliance was outnumbered 10-1 or worse.

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I want even stevens pvp and no bonuses.

Nomak & Irisse were fighting Horde prior to AOO, probably had WM on since inception.


This is a blatant lie. Please show where I said I quit WPVP toward the end of 8.0. I’ve been in WM since day 1. I’m out in the world daily doing WQs, as well as any incursion I can. I cap conquest every week, on 4 WM enabled characters (2 horde, 2 alliance). Most of which comes from WPVP, not BG conquest.

I am absolutely certain I have killed more people in the world than you have (8.0 or 8.1). I never quit world PVP. The only difference between us is I actually do content to progress my characters, and not hope for welfare gear to be thrown my way.


Technically, you claimed that “everyone” quit WPVP. Can’t be bothered to look it up, but you cloaked it in some excuse about world activities being pointless when PVE activities like M+ and raiding ramped up, or something like that.

Hey, relax, I’ve started doing the PVE welfare thing - aka Mythic+ - too. It’s tougher when I don’t have a tanking or healing spec, though.

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Getting 25 for AOO can be very easy. Make a group for whatever zone the Call to Arms is for or do it for the assault zone. 20-30 minutes later done. If we include the time spent on organizing the group and traveling you could stretch it out to 40 min.

Other people in your faction will see a wpvp farm group and naturally tag along and suddenly your group is a “raid”.

Obviously picking the right time and zone to farm makes a huge difference, just use your common sense there.

It’s not like doing the 4 mythic weekly which can require 30+ min per dungeon including organization and travel time.

Sure there are some easier activities that reward better gear, like Darkshore. But those aren’t repeatable every week. At best you get the Darkshore world boss every 3-4 weeks and the warfront every 3-4 weeks as well. So maybe twice a month.

A 385 item seems right for the effort out forward, but hey whatever I’m turning down free stuff if Blizz wants to throw it my way.


Giving 400 gear for darkshore warfront is a disgrace too. Let’s not make it worse by making AOO 400 gear also.


LMAO! You mean when I said horde stopped camping WQs all day after the first month of BFA when M+, rated PVP, and Uldir opened? Yeah, people not camping WQs all day the first 30 days of BFA means “everyone” quit WPVP… :roll_eyes:

I have absolutely done more WM killing than you. I am just able to raid 2 evenings per week and knock out an m+ here and there.

Yeah, that +2 and +6 you’ve been sitting on all s2 as your relevant m+ experience show your commitment to character progression. Sad that my alt that dinged 120 a month ago is as geared as your main that you’ve been playing since day 1…