Yeh and we can believe Ion with what he says? Fact is this, outdoor PVP is very far from balanced in any aspect, not in class, spec, character or gear level and overall needs a makeover.
The 400 ilevel loot did not happen. Initially the quest showed a 400 ilevel reward, but when handed it the wording on the quest had been changed to 395 ilevel, which is what I was given.
T’was a pretty annoying bait and switch, actually, as the toons I first did it on didn’t need any 395 gear.
The source is the Jan 24th Live Q&A. I can’t link it because of Blizzard’s stupid “Need level 3 trust”, but you can find it by looking for that in google. Wowhead has the recap that I copy/pasted the response.
And seriously, if you can’t understand how “were” does not imply “currently” I don’t know what to say. You talk about “IQ” and “demand” evidence, but then you can’t take time to find the link of the exact quote I mentioned (it’s the same Q&A where Ion says that things were fairly even at the start of BfA)… and then you can’t grasp concepts of past and present tense.
You try to play hardline from your point of view and try to “weasal words” (as you put it) and play naive at what “were some phasing issues” means.
I can’t either. I’m allowed to post meme videos from YouTube, but not links to any useful sources.
Bypass it by using code blocks.
You fundamentally don’t understand English, my guy. No offense, this is a wasted point. I don’t want to play semantics.
Can you just find a source from Ion or a Blizzard game developer directly saying that the sharding issue has been fixed? This is the strongest evidence for your case.
The burden of proof is on you, not me. You made the claim, you prove it. This is how every logical argument is constructed, my duderino.
Last night I was getting my tortollan emissary out of the way and I had to fly to the Sanctuary FP in Voldun… there was what seemed like a bajillion Horde camping the WQ at the FP. I landed and got instakilled. I just walked back and got lucky enough to actually click the npc so I could do the matching game. When I was done, I did not even have a chance to stealth because there was so much aoe random dmg going out that I lagged into the grave yard lol. So I walked back and managed to get lucky again and made it out. Thank god I am a rogue! Was I mad. No because, when I play Horde I do the same thing as they do. As I do when I play Alliance. Equally as the opportunity arises. But this is just mho based on my experiences.
Go google “Live Developer Q&A Jan 24”… find the youtube link. Go to 6:35 in the youtube… this is exactly what Ion says:
“There were some challenges with the way our shard matchmaking was working that lead to Horde outnumbering Alliance in a lot of situations early on, but by the time we had fixed those…”
See how he mentions it was fixed in regards to the sharding issue?
We done here?
Now, go find empirical data that Horde is more cowardly. If you can’t… then stop talking.