(A)Older gamer (46) returning for TWW, LF somewhat casual guild

Hi all. I’ve come back to WoW just in time for TWW after taking a break mid BFA, and I’m looking for a guild, since the old one I was with is no more.

Now, looking at my topic title, you may ask yourself, ‘Somewhat casual, what is that?’, and to that I answer with the following:

Somewhat casual to me means that when you get together to play, be it a raid, M+, or PvP, you do it to win, or at least you do so to your best ability. If you wipe/lose, no one is losing their head over it.

With that out the way, bonus points if said guild is more than just that, it’s more of a community, be it through other games played outside of WoW or just chilling some nights in Discord.

Outside of that, I would like to strive for AotC every raid, as I believe Heroic offers the perfect blend of challenge and fun. I would also add here that my main is a BM Hunter, but my max level alts are Fury Warrior (main alt), Frost DK, and Frost Mage. I can switch specs if needed to whatever is more raid friendly, but as far as the Warrior and DK go, I have zero experience tanking.

I work M-F 7AM to 330PM, with very few exceptions, so I’m pretty open as to raid days/times, although I would like to be done by 10PM EST.

About me personally, I have a deep love of coffee, dogs (I have 3), gaming (especially card games like Magic The Gathering), and smoking my pipe (tobacco).

Hope to hear from you soon!

If you like playing alts, check out a guild that raids their mains only 1 night a week (leaving time for others). I am not the recruiting officer by any means (I came on here to bump the post), but it is a pretty solid community. And I know for a fact some of them play Magic.

Here is the link to their recruitment post: A-Stormrage <One Night Affair> One night a week AOTC focused guild recruiting for The War Within

I saw, however, the raid time runs a little late for me, as I wake up at 5AM for work.

Hi Arluss. “Insanity Raiding” (18+) may be a good fit for you. The guild is a large one (over 900 members and not all of them raid), started in 2010, and is led by our GM Ureka. First of all, you are not old in our book. We have a number of guildies aged 50+ and some actual Boomers here. And yes, I fit into that category (Grand-mother of a 7 yr. old). I also play a huntress, and I’m duel specced MM/BM. In terms of raiding, we are a non-benching guild and we strive for AOTC, plus maybe some light Mythic if time allows and our raiders want it (We have been LF a new Raid Leader). Our raid days are Tues./Wed. 7:45-10pm EST. My husband wakes up for work anytime between 3am-4am, so I also have to end raiding by 10pm like you. As for Discord, only a few hop on regularly or when GM is online. I’m on it every time I hop online. You tend to see more in any guild during the start of xpacs when everyone is leveling and trying to find where everything is and also at raids. Besides raiding the guild also does M+ (no calendar scheduling for it), some pvp (BGs-non-rated), Transmog, mount, pet runs (GM has to have them all!), TWs, questing, etc. If we sound like the perfect new home for you, just IM me in-game for an invite or if you can’t catch me online at all, then go through guild-finder and apply directly to “Insanity Raiding” (under Raid, not Social tab) and we will invite you through there. Hope to have you join our family!