Hi all. I’ve come back to WoW just in time for TWW after taking a break mid BFA, and I’m looking for a guild, since the old one I was with is no more.
Now, looking at my topic title, you may ask yourself, ‘Somewhat casual, what is that?’, and to that I answer with the following:
Somewhat casual to me means that when you get together to play, be it a raid, M+, or PvP, you do it to win, or at least you do so to your best ability. If you wipe/lose, no one is losing their head over it.
With that out the way, bonus points if said guild is more than just that, it’s more of a community, be it through other games played outside of WoW or just chilling some nights in Discord.
Outside of that, I would like to strive for AotC every raid, as I believe Heroic offers the perfect blend of challenge and fun. I would also add here that my main is a BM Hunter, but my max level alts are Fury Warrior (main alt), Frost DK, and Frost Mage. I can switch specs if needed to whatever is more raid friendly, but as far as the Warrior and DK go, I have zero experience tanking.
I work M-F 7AM to 330PM, with very few exceptions, so I’m pretty open as to raid days/times, although I would like to be done by 10PM EST.
About me personally, I have a deep love of coffee, dogs (I have 3), gaming (especially card games like Magic The Gathering), and smoking my pipe (tobacco).
Hope to hear from you soon!