AoE cap is anti-fun for no reason

Some people’s idea of “fun” is identical to what others mean by “overpowered”. But nerfing overpowered things is literally Blizzard’s job. I think this is the true origin of the “fun nerfed” meme.


This was always limited by the tank’s ability to survive said pull so the AE nerf is an anti-intuitive piece of silliness.


Har dee har har.

No, players who complain using buzzwords like “anti-fun,” “toxic” and “meme” do so because they think calling something they don’t like by one of those buzzwords is an argument in itself, no explanation necessary. It’s a non-argument, it’s a whine.

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Pretty much the game though isn’t it?

Great change. I’m so tired of the Action RPG crowed of players that has taken over this game. If you want to AOE packs of trash like crazy, go play one of the many dungeon grinders that are available on the market.


you know what’s also strategy? making big pulls on difficult content and playing it correctly so you don’t die.

the “lets pull 1 pack at a time and CC the caster mobs with sheeps and traps” mindset is so outdated and belongs in vanilla.

just because people want to pull big it doesnt mean theres 0 strategy, it means people have cooldowns which makes them do more damage and take less damage which allows them to pull big instead of wasting it on 3-4 mobs or sitting on it needlessly.


meh aoe has been used to pad meters for years…so yeah…time for meaningful dps again.

No one is yet to show why “pulling big” and AoEing which not every spec can do well is better than more meaningful pulls for smaller numbers of mobs. As @Tuwen says, ActionRPGs are not MMOs.

God yeah that’s such a good point. WoW is not Diablo or Path of Exile. If you want to be a mob-blender in zero danger of dying, just pulling for big numbers there are games like that.


I’m really starting to think that by Ion’s standards, Legion was a total fluke.

You CAN still play the non-AoE route. That’s what people aren’t getting. You don’t HAVE to AoE clear dungeons. It’s a viable OPTION. If you want to do it slower, and more methodical, you can. But, now, Blizz has taken one of the playstyle options off the table.

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I kinda like it, but if they’re only going halfway it’ll create dominant classes in m+

if the convenience is still there, people will suffer other inconveniences to get it back

YES! Thank you!

While I understand and agree that something needed to be done for islands/mythics etc, why not just increase the difficulty of the mobs themselves so pulling that much would be suicide. Make them hit harder. Reintroduce pulling tactics where mobs need CCd and tanks need to carefully pull 1 or two packs at once or risk a wipe

I never get this argument. DPS is DPS. More DPS you apply, quicker stuff dies. As long as your team is alive, and enemies are dead. DPS is DPS.

If you thinking pulling a whole room in high level M+ is mindless… I don’t know what to say to you…


Because the entire point of M+ dungeons is to do the dungeon as fast as you possibly can. By pulling larger you increase the rate of clear. You also SIGNIFICANTLY increase the danger of the pull. If you are capped to 5 mobs, there is literally zero reason to pull bigger as you get zero net benefit while getting significantly increased risks…

That’s why it was fun. It was a risk reward situation, which if you could pull off felt amazing.

All you people seem to think pulling big is, is like the MDI where the top teams make it look effortless. You didn’t see the hundreds of times they got stomped flat to make it look effortless.


There is still 0 threat even if I pull huge. It just counter productive now as I can’t keep threat on it all as I’m capped as a tank and dps do to much compared to tanks.

Its sloppy design. If everything is now pulled in groups of four how did it change anything? You use the same roatation for every pull which was what people complained about.

They should have made more specific encounters that forced you not to pull multiple packs at once in specific areas like the dog’s that do massive damage in the newer dungeons, or having multiple oarsman with more patrolling rats in the same pull so that you can’t interrupt everything if you pull large. Then you get single pulls (bosses,) cleave, small pulls when forced to and large pulls.

That way there are three/four different rotations and people aren’t bored doing the same rotation for every pull.

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Hard to aoe spam stuff down if your healer is dealing with a -100% aura on all pary members.

I guess my point is that this problem is pretty specific to ONLY high mythic stuff. But they nerfed the rest of our game play experience as a response.

Hell, give some dungeon minions avoidance…im just saying I’d rather see something more organic than “now your eye lazerz hit 5 things.”

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Oh, yes. Let’s just pull a bunch of low lvl mobs and kill them one by one instead. That’s so much funnier…