AoE cap is anti-fun for no reason

It’s in part due to MDI, but also due to some classes being just so much better than others because there was no cap.

Course, I like the change for the fact that classes will be distinct in what kind of combat you’re doing. Like a Warrior is going to outperform my Mage at 3-5 targets while I’ll outperform them 6+.

Go back to cata and look at those dungeons. That’s what I think mythic plus could learn from.

Good players stomped Cata dungeons and could pull big/kite as well.

Cata dungeons were “hard” because it used a random group finder.

Mythic+ has way harder hitting mobs, with much more dangerous casts, and trash mechanics and it is still pull big due to snapping, kiting, and cooldown based burst aoe.

And just tuning up auto attack damage or single large hits doesn’t work well with an infinite scaling system because it turns into a 1 shot very quickly. Legion had tons of complaints because this happened relatively early and in many dungeons. BFA it happens later and is more limited.

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I think the great irony here is that general discussion has been posting about how it hates M+ being a gogogo timed fest where CC doesn’t matter and whatever lies all of BFA

So a change aimed at slowing down m+ would go over great right?

Oh noooo no nono noo nononono not at all

I think the cap is dumb but man is it funny to read that after an entire expac of posts about how m+ is some low skilled aoe fest.

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M+ and Raids that are not Legacy enabled are fair game for the caps, but old raids and out in the world? It really, really hurts us. Also, Dark Animus is going to be amazing to deal with now, given the sheer number of adds far, far outstrips the AoE caps.


Well the aoe cap just means that now you pull 8 mobs at a time and AOE them down. I don’t see how that is much harder? I think pve is just boring and there isn’t a lot you can do to fix it. I believe they should allow people to AOE the whole place if they can. Just get it done faster. Why slow people down and make things more time consuming? The longer something takes I don’t think is what makes things difficult.

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Considering their is a time limit, how fast you can do something is indeed quite important in mythic+ which is the focus of this change.

Which means if you want to beat the timer you need to deal with a much more challenging large pull or be much faster on your small pulls.

The new survey that came out talked about esports.

The AoE cap is about esports.

Here is my surprise pikachu face.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Of course its about esports.

The same way every PvP change since TBC has been about esports with arena.

Rets were nerfed in WotLK because of their performance in BGs and world PVP and not arena.

Try again!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Umm, Ret was broken (so was Dk) at Wrath launch in arena as well.

I meant more broad than individual tuning though.

Changes in diminishing returns categories which defines synergy in team comp.

Dampening to make games end.

CC durations reduced.

Changes to abilities behaving differently in PvP.

Homogenization of PvP utility such as mortal strike.

Pretty much every PvP change since TBC has been in response to arena (esports).

And they’ve openly said PvP “balance” is focused on 3v3 arena.

Slow down mechanic. Which is funny considering how they have been pushing timer, or timed content over the last few years. Harsh change for the folks who just want to mow stuff down in old dungeons, and raids for mogs, etc, and just want to move on to another old instance rinse, and repeat as quick as they can.

It’s a botting nerf. Everyone wanted bots nerfed. It was too easy to roll a fresh 120 and bot the crap out of stuff.

Just because you disagree with their reason, doesn’t mean their reason is invalid or doesn’t exist. Sorry.

Blizzard loves nerfing fun, this has nothing to do with nerfing fun, however. This has to do with AoEing massive pulls being dominant and them wanting to tone that down. It’s logical.

You don’t have to like or agree with it, but don’t pretend this is an issue with ‘fun’ or that there is ‘no reason’. That’s ludicrous and just hurts any argument you could hope to make against it.

That was already a thing.

Don’t think it fits for an entire class to be superior to an entire other class at a type of scenario.

Mindless is pulling 3-5 mobs over and over and over. What’s less mindless is the ability to pull 3-5 mobs when they’re dangerous and do much larger pulls when lust and CD’s are available to make things as efficient as possible.

You act like everything is island difficulty where 100 mobs are pulled together and blown to pieces because the content can be done by a monkey.

In actual content, big pulls are the most exciting part because they require the most skill, management, and coordination. You wanna talk about a ‘win’? A ‘win’ is pulling multiple groups together, coordinating chain CC, CD’s, and utility to survive. What’s not a win is going from pack to pack fighting a few mobs at a time.

What level M+ were you competing in during BfA?

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Read what I actually said and try again.

Go ahead. read the whole post and not just out of context snippits.

What a cop-out.

So no. You don’t want to argue against what I actually said and just the out of context BS you pulled out.


Careful, people don’t really like to use too much “strategy”…