A&O: Classic Grobbulus

It began here, it will end here.

I’m done with Retail Hunter practically forever. I own the Alliance capitals; they are desolate and mine. Dens of jackals. There is nothing more to fight, there is nothing more to conquer. I destroyed the precious North American Normal realmed Alliance in 7 years of unholy 1vN combat, after the said Alliance lost the war in one swift patch in BFA. Ah, 7, the number of perfection.

I am now, and have been since retirement, in Grobbulus, a RPPvP server and the only one of its kind. I am holding my own nicer than I expected playing an itineration of Hunter I have never played. I am very much alive and active as a WPvPing 85 Goblin SV Hunter. What I have done, I aim to do it all over again.

I understand that when I ditched my dark iron dwarf(and he’s not even that race anymore) hunter, after it became apparent that the Alliance got 30% WM and AOO untouched for longer than a full expansion cycle, it has angered not a few Alliance mains. As I had been an Alliance main myself, having a Human Warlock, Draenei Paladin, Human Rogue, Worgen Priest, and a Pandaren Warrior, no one could have been angrier than me. It was hard to be sympathetic.

So when a certain druid from ED started talking smack, from his own RP world, I took care of it in my own usual fashion. No serious attempt to have a WPvP showdown was ever effectuated, and too much of it was in bad faith. This would be none other than the one called “Griefs”.

Griefs, I’m looking at you the hardest out of all my enemies. The ones I remember, like Percival and Nomak, have faded into obscurity. I was hated by them just as much as you. You, for over 5 years, couldn’t let it go that I was never going to match up with you in a RP server from a Normal one. You instead invented a psychopathic fantasy that you entertain to this day, that would start to make a criminal profiler sweat.

Let me go ahead and get this on the record for everyone to see. Griefs,

You had ONE CHANCE to prove you were serious about a WPvP encounter and you BLEW IT. You would have had more chances if you changed your mind in the years I still hunted. That was going to take a little outreach and an agreement that I would “copy” my OG Hunter character somehow into ED. But if you’re going to be a coward and play childish games because you actually are bad and are afraid to lose in WPvP, then I’m not interested. I think I lost the same interest I speak of those 5 years ago.

You’re a weirdo and an evil one at that; such has been established. I wouldn’t care if I win or lose, I decided it since 2014 not to hang with certain guilds chocked full of them. The day I decided to stop being a nobody core raider and a pawn for disgusting IRL persons was the day I have begun to achieve a world-class greatness.

The best I can do for you now, and I honestly doubt you are any more serious now than you were then, is to permit you to find me in Grobbulus. Because I don’t want to lose my progress towards a certain guild cheevo, I have no immediate plans to switch to a far better [Cata] PvP server. Regardless of what you do or don’t do, I will arise to my current glory again, if only because Classic, not Retail, is the true future of WoW, particularly for ALL PVP.

Vacations won’t do a thing. The Hunter forum community and TSL are miserable failing projects that will never amount to anything in their miserable, failing, virtual lives. The true gamer earns their way. The true gamer knows that REAL POWER IS SOMETHING YOU TAKE.

DALLAS | “Real Power Is Something You Take!” (youtube.com)

You should totally get the TRP3 RP addon and add that in as a back story. That way everyone on your RP server can enjoy it, repeatedly.

You might be shocked to know that nobody RPs in Grobbulus.