An'zig Vra (Maut Staff for agi users) possible bug

Currently this weapon’s unique corruption (Devour Vitality) will not crit higher than 10%~ on average
The image is a short test using crit buffs on CD, constantly hovering from 20 to 58% crit but obviously not reflecting this in the corruption damage, the video shows a 100% crit window with coral but you can still observe I get many non-crits.



Every other corruption effect that I’ve tried seems to inherit the player crit, except for this one.


Its a shame that this is being left alone while every other corruption is being dealt with. I haven’t been able to get a decent corruption besides this one.

Lets go! bump it up

Keep submitting bug reports in game also.

Bugged. My feral cries.

Meow meow meow meow. Meow, meow meow meow. Meow.

Would be nice if blizzard would at least acknowledge that there is a bug making this corruption extremely weak but they have to nerf the strong ones first >.>

Still not seeing a mention on the 2/7 hotfixes.

Mad Kitty :pouting_cat:

ANY response on this would be awesome. We do still exist. Please just let us know if this is even a bug.

Please fix before i get angry, you wont like me when im anggry /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\

Ferals United for DV

I’m lucky to get 2 crits in a 5 minute fight :confused: Doesn’t feel right.

Have a sneaking suspicion it is not bugged due to the healing factor tied to the effect, which the other corruptions lack. A Druid at 16% haste gets ~72 hits per minute, giving(at a perfect 1 out of every 4 hits proc) 18 procs per minute granting a ~38% health gain over that 60s. If every proc critically struck, that increases to a ~72% health gain. Mathed out per second, that’s .6% hps, or 1.2% hps at full 100% crit, at 16% haste just from auto-attacks alone.

Feral Corruption Life
https:// imgur. com/gallery/VuYC5G8
