Anyway to effectively create multiple focused targets

Anyway to effectively create multiple focused targets, looking for a way to create a 2-3 macros to cast VT (vampiric touch) and tag (effectively focus) two-three targets.

Then I want to macro or key bind in some way casting 5-6 spells targeting those tagged enemies. Preferably also creating a static raid frame for these tagged targets and not relying on raid targeting icons (if that’s the only way that works).

Been away from the game for what seems like 5-6 years and my old UI setup is effectively broken. Still trying to get to max level but would prefer to have this UI stuff behind me. Any guidance is much appreciated.

Not possible. There is a focus unitid but not focus1, focus2…

You can set up multiple “focus” units but they will all be the same “target”.

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Can you create macros to target units and or create raid frames by raid symbol?

No. Blizz went out of their way to eliminate the playstyle you’re trying to achieve.

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Not what I wanted to hear :frowning:

lol elvenbane, you’re replying in half of these threads I’ve perused on the topic. Holding it down!

Some day Blizz will add non-customer service/tech support MVPs… :wink:

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