Anything special planned for subtlety

legion design didn’t really benefit the subtlety iconic spec. any plans to making a better experience to playing subtlety

It’s already the go-to spec for raiding & M+. And even PvP to an extend, leaving other 2 specs in shambles. Especially OL being THE only hard capped at 5 targets spec.

The only thing that can come to Sub is a nerf. Sub is getting THE best rogue tier set bonus. Close 2nd is Assa and OL got UTTER garbage.

be nice if they brought back hemo spec but an upgraded version.
only time when rogues were actually good. :frowning:
typical blizzard.

They need to make the level 50 finisher not inferior to a baseline one that is just a spam button.

Other than that, I quite enjoy being a cyborg ninja.

Rogue is amazing right now. Less fun than when I mained it years ago but still a great spec.

Just switched night elf and it gives me a free vanish and immunity to stormbolt deathcoil etc so it reminds me of the old golden days of prep rogue.

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