Anyone's mouse acting crazy since 9.2


Been having this bug since 9.2 dropped where I will be in combat with an NPC and while I am clicking on my UI icons (I know I don’t use macros, hotkeys, or have a fancy keyboard or mouse), where periodically while in combat my mouse icon will jump from the buttons I am pushing to the center of the screen. I know in the past I have had issues where the game would deselect targets and pick another sometimes not even in my view, but this one is definitely on another level of annoying.

The only other thing that I have had happen is anytime that I am in Nazjatar near where Terror of the Depths is located the game will auto-minimize into window mode and mini game freezes and sometime lock up requiring me to hard re-boot my computer. I suspect that maybe that the issue was with this one was my computer which is a I7-4790k with a 770 Zotac video card.


Happens to me as well, my mouse disappears and reappears somewhere random.


Yesterday two times in a row, but not again.
Spin like a top once around then I had to fix it to 2 clicks back from first person view.
I just hit the floor of the Maw going up the ramp.


Same issue


same issue started in 9.2 every time I click in the border of the screen mouse jumps to the center randomly is annoying af.


Want to add that this issue is still continuing, and it has cost quite a few deaths now as I go to click a button and just when I need it most my mouse has jumped to the center of my screen. Was bad enough when the target would randomly change while fighting when clicking on my hot bar buttons.

The other issue with the game stuttering around the section of the game in Nazjatar got really bad this morning where I had to hard reboot my system 3 times to get out of the area near Terror of the Depths.

Yes and it’s annoying as hell!


Happening to me very regularly. Logitech G502. It seems to occur more often if I am spam clicking spell-bar and then miss click in between the buttons (i.e. the environment/Ground) whilst running. I cant help but think it happens more often if I hold left mouse down a faction and the game thinks I am trying to move camera angle.

edit. Can make it happen like clockwork, no addons, Fullscreen Windowed mode, by having curor at the bottom of the screen below the default spellbar so 2/3 of the cursor is off screen then rapidly left clicking. Cursor jumps up in vicinity of middle of screen

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This is happening to me to. I will be clicking on spells and the mouse will jump up the screen.

Hmm, now that you mention it, I think I’m having the same issue.

For me, sometimes when I’m pressing both mouse buttons in order to move forward and turn, it will just stop. I’m wondering if I’m encountering the same issue as you are describing. I’ve also noticed my mouse pointer completely disappear from the screen while healing which is quite annoying. I was originally thinking it was me mouse, but I have no issues in any other app/game.

Affecting me as well and extremely annoying

As per previous peoples comments. seems to only happen at the edges of the screen. Either move your bars away slightly or…
Band Aid solution that “Seems” to have fixed issue for me. I made a new active panel that sits behind my spell bar using the KGPanels addon. Its 9mths old but still works in 9.2.
place it behind your bars covering the offending screen edge.

Strata = Background
Intercept mouse clicks = Ticked (this stops you clicking the environment
Opacity set to your taste. can make it clear if you wish

It’s been week since my last update and the problem has only got more frequent and causing annoyance’s to become game breaking for me to think maybe it is time to leave the game. When it is now happening 4-5 times a combat and now is leading to more tense / death moments it is just ridiculous. Tried the above posters potential fix and that didn’t help as my hot bars are not always near the edge and it affects the entire bottom of my screen upwards of an inch above it.

I’m not having the mouse move issue, but my mouse will become non-reactive completely with the game. I can scroll it across the screen but cannot use it to do anything - run, cast, target etc. I have to reload my UI to get it to do anything. It happens most frequently in Zereth Mortis, but I’ve had it randomly happening everywhere, including dungeons. Super fun when you have to scramble with manual controls because your mouse is just there for looks.

Yes - mouse goes to the middle of the screen when rapidly clicking abilities during combat. They seem in no rush to fix this despite it being a recurring bug that makes some content nearly unplayable.

I, too, am using a Logitech G502 wired mouse, and this is happening for me. It just started in 9.2, and it usually occurs when I’m spam clicking an ability. My cursor will suddenly disappear, and I’ll find it at the center of my screen. I’ve tried some of the simple mouse reset commands, lowering the cursor’s DPI and polling rate, updating all addons, and closing all background applications. None have gotten rid of the issue.

same here LOL

Add me to the list of the affected players. It happens when I click a UI element.

The addons I’m running when affected:


System Information

  Time of this report: 3/14/2022, 05:40:41
         Machine name: 
           Machine Id: 
     Operating System: Windows 11 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 22000) (22000.co_release.210604-1628)
             Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
  System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
         System Model: Z390 AORUS PRO WIFI
                 BIOS: F9 (type: UEFI)
            Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz (12 CPUs), ~3.2GHz
               Memory: 32768MB RAM
  Available OS Memory: 32704MB RAM
            Page File: 9812MB used, 28010MB available
          Windows Dir: C:\Windows
      DirectX Version: DirectX 12
  DX Setup Parameters: Not found
     User DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
   System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
      DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
             Miracast: Available, no HDCP

Microsoft Graphics Hybrid: Not Supported
DirectX Database Version: 1.2.2
DxDiag Version: 10.00.22000.0001 64bit Unicode

Steelseries mouse&keyboard here, my mouse is wireless, haven’t checked if it happens plugged in yet.

same since the day Sepulcer open im using a Logitech G600