Anyone won the love rocket on an alt today?

The love rocket drops from alts. The broom is locked to your first character

That is talking about the Heartbreaker X-45 aka Love Rocket…not the new Broom Sweeper mount…" You only have to be Level 10 to queue, however, you only have a chance at X-45 Heartbreaker if you are level 60 or higher."

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Bump. I’m still interested to hear from someone who won on an alt lol despite the derailing.

Same here!

That information is outdated. Any level can get the shaped box, and more than simply your very first character per day. The problem is when you’re on the second kill of the day, the box you get is not supposed to get the rare stuff.

according this this it can drop for alts on the same day.

Yeah I just saw earlier. A lot of us were sure that this was the case. But as you can see, there were many in this thread calling us allpretty much idiots that couldn’t read. Thankfully a blue clarified. Thanks.


Yeah that’s why I made the thread to see if anyone had, but fortunately a blue clarified in another post that the rocket does indeed still drop from alts.

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I just saw it, glad Blizzard clarified that the tooltip didn’t mean only first alt of the day, and in the same thread people were saying they got the sweeper on alts today. So everyone can keep on running their alts and they might get lucky!

Did the blue say it had to be a lvl 60 or higher alt now? Or can it be any level that is allowed into the fight get it?

Nope they didn’t mention nothing about what level we needed to be in the post but the rumor is should be 60 and up for all mount drops.

I think it’s 10 and above. People are reporting on wowhead they’ve gotten with newly created allied race.

I hope you continued going for it despite everyone saying we were wrong.

there was one other dude I saw that didn’t like it.

He died of cringe.

No. When I’m riding it, it says ‘look at me’.
Now look at my legs.
Now look back at me.
Look at my rocket.
Now be sad you are not my rocket.


4th toon of the day but I finally got it, 5237 tracked attempts according to rarity. Now I can finally relax and only run once a day for the other mount.


That’s what she said

Gosh!!! That’s a lot of attempts. Well done. I’m so happy you got it!!

I haven’t played in about a week or two, got it on first try. Not on an alt, sorry.

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Grats!! when I was posting this it hadn’t yet been clarified by Blizz whether it could drop on alts or not. Thankfully they made a post a few days ago which enlightened us all.

On a side note, is your name Māori? Or is it just random?