Anyone trying Colossus Arms? What's working for you?

Looking to share ideas on Colossus Arms play. What’s working, what’s not?

I’ve messed around with it, Demolish is a really fun ability but tbh if you’re not slayer it’s kinda trolling unfortunately.

You can get some pretty chunky MS hits but tbh I’ve gotten higher with slayer.

If you do go col, I heavily advise speccing into spear rather than roar.

Thanks, I will switch to spear over roar.

Why specifically do you think Colossus is trolling?

Because slayer does more damage, it’s also guaranteed damage. Colossus is just so gimmicky.

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This is not true.
Im significantly destroying fury warriors and slayer arms. BG, Duel, Arenas etc

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The key is to have a decent critical chance. Colossus premise is critical damage. Im doing SOOOO good with 25% crit chance.

I think that’s for sure the best way to make it work, but I know dissuades a lot of players because crit is nerfed in pvp so it feels like they’re mathematically getting fewer stats.

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I doens’t feel like it is. Colossus hero talents are based on crit. Most braindead warriors follow guides which makes them to invest on mastery then the spec doens’t work like is suposed to, thats why arms is sleeper rn, my damage is SOOO much higher than other warriors lol

I don’t think it’s sleeper at all. I think it’s very strong. I think that MOST people think arms is very strong, it’s just not broken like fury is.

Also, there are many longtime mains who wish its damage was higher and it lost access to bleeds, which is a fair opinion to have.

This is genuinely the first time I’ve seen someone say this about arms on TWW :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Idk, I’m not even good at arms warrior and I’m smashing with it. The spec cranks and is super tanky. Sure, you don’t 100-0 anything by yourself, but you have so much uptime with slayer and being able to bolt/kick during bladestorm is crazy.

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Arms is definitely in a decent spot, what i meant is that people don’t think they are.

I think the overwhelming majority is still too focused on fury/aff/unholy/frost mage and seeing all the rerolls and fixating on that. Meaninwhile aug and feral+mm jungle are also insanely overtuned and just running everything over XD

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no point in playing arms. just hop over to fury and zug zug

why cant you look like the op

because I don’t subconsciously wish I was a girl :rofl:

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truly the reason we all do it


I gave it a go but Colossus was way better as Prot so I’ve just been doing that

You’re beating awful players

every arms ive encountered has lost really hard and has been way to easy to deal with

Nah arms isn’t bad