Anyone thinking Microsoft buying Blizzard are in for a disappointment

More disappointed that Bobby will remain as CEO with this purchase.

He’s remaining CEO while the acquisition in finalized. Homie won’t be around if and when it goes through.

Not that he won’t be laughing to the bank either way. He’s only going to make more money in the purchase and then a nice golden parachute when he ‘resigns’.

I see them moving WoW to a free on Gamepass with many more micro transactions.


Does this mean I’ll finally get my transmog shop?

FFXIV has a transmog shop.

I want a transmog shop too.

I’m at the point of, “at this stage, it would be easier to make things better than to make them worse.”

There’s a solid chance this’ll work out. If Activision-Blizzard dissolves into the soup that is Microsoft and, more importantly, separates, that would cut off the Activision corruption from the company. Not to say that Microsoft doesn’t have problems all its own, but… Blizzard would be one of a vast myriad of companies - NOT half of the marquee. Microsoft would have far less pressure to meddle by that measure alone.

Creepers, the most over rated threat in Minecraft. Hell they are actually a bigger threat to the other mobs than the players :slight_smile:

YES /100000char

Clark, have you finally joined the doomsayers? Are you actually saying something negative is at stake?

One of the biggest hurdles Activision Blizzard had recently was brain drain, too many extremely talented individuals left and nobody wanted to replace them.

Now it’s not AB they’re applying for, it’s Microsoft.

This is an incredible opportunity for much more appropriate people to join the team and hopefully they kick 3/4 of this washed up group of hacks out and replace them starting with the lead writer and Ion.


No lie I would have preferred a third person open world action adventure game to WoW if they weren’t going to make WC4.

A game with Witcher or AC gameplay combined with something like Dragon Age or ME with a better action rPG system, but Warcraft, would be amazing.

Like Space Marine but Warcraft. Beat enemies down with melee combos as a Paladin with your giant hammer or sword or whatever, cast smite or holy fire on them, etc.

At least it would have been creative. But it wouldn’t have been an 18 year long cash cow obviously.

So many great things could have been done with the Warcraft IP since 2002 and instead Blizzard just ruined it and milked it with no respect for the lore or the gameplay that made it popular in the first place, to the point where the creative talent in the company (term used loosely) like Chris Metzen left yeaaaars ago. Not to mention their other IPs they’ve ruined or let sit like Starcraft and Diablo.

Warcraft’s Creed, or something; Azeroth: Total War; Warcraft IV; Starcraft: Ghost; World of Starcraft? Starcraft: Space Marine. A non-crap Diablo? Lost Vikings Redux?

If Microsoft doesn’t listen, then nothing will have changed. Remember how much blizzard listened to its player base for mage tower! Its just going to be a name change and turned into a pay to win game now

Says the guy with the store bought mog.


Yah i mean, i am not a fan of microtransactions either. But i can at least admit that i have contributed to the cause. What i hate are the pay to win stuffs. I have never bought a wow token or a paid level boost. And i never will. I was fine with the cosmetics. Those are done right and cannot be sold within game. But boosting and pay to win is what makes wow not an mmorpg. But it is what it is.

What does this mean for the carry teams? Those poor folks working at blizz are having to choose between paying rent and eating.

OP if you hate it then leave, don’t just sit in the pizza parlor screaming to the customers and owners that you hate their pizza whilst you shovel slice-after-slice into your vast maw.


Never did I say I hate Microsoft

I pointed out things that people won’t realize till later

I’m still going to play WoW even if theres like 200+ transmogs in the shop, maybe I’ll buy a few pieces here and there

FF14 has a bunch as well, but I guess it’s okay when THEY do it.

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Yep. PC master race…here it applies.

Consolers must accept they don’t get this. Why I didn’t do MC on console. I pc’d it. MC without texture res packs, feed the beast? No way in hell man…

Because being bought out by a company with better morale at corporate headquarters (for one) will look better to investors and consumers alike.
Also, getting bought and potential re-branding of Activision is exactly what’s needed since low-caliber management and staff have clearly bludgeoned the name. Activision should be dissolved for the ongoing misconduct and mismanagement and a big name like Microsoft has the fiscal ability to clean house and potentially get the games under the Activision banner to rights.


It has me curious to be honest.