Anyone still playing WoW

Still playing wow. Will log in to wpvp with my guildmates twice a week. Spending the other half of my wow time running tmogs and levelling.

Basically, not running any bfa content. All my friends have unsubbed, so it gets pretty lonely out in Azeroth.

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Why do people that don’t hate on the game always have to be white knights or shills? Can’t they just have a different opinion? Your comment is trolling nonsense.


I was pleasantly surprised last night when I logged into my main and saw that we had people on in his guild, and eventually we got five of us on - at the same time! - so we ran a mythic 0 and got a guild achieve and everything! It was epic!

At one point, we had a grand total of six people on at the same time, doing stuff, some even doing that stuff together after the mythic dungeon run, good times, indeed.

/moo :cow:

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Yes, but people are playing

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Every day, bro.

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No don’t waste ur time. Friends don’t let friends play wow.

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But those same friends will let you drive drunk.

Here’s how to quote things on the forum, so you don’t have to make 3 posts to respond to 3 different people.

One of the best expansions. Pvp is finally somewhat fair, war mode is the best feature in a while. Assaults have made world quests great again. Raids are interesting. Pvp rewards and mounts are awesome. I will say if you don’t like end content and just like leveling a butch of alts and will complain about LFR not opening completely the first week, it isn’t that fun. Most horde are upset that they can’t face roll wpvp, so if that is your interest you won’t like it either. Islands are boring imo but I know a few people that love them. Azerite gear is awful, but they tried something new and it sucked so they are getting rid of it (some people want things to never change and have cried about this from the beginning).


Why does it matter? Seeing people makes the game feel as populated as it once was. I mean as a player I care about my experience not the future of Blizzard. I let the blizz people worry about that.

The new raid is cool but if you’re not into the raiding scene, then save your money.

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I love it when people start calling those with differing opinions names.


Ikr. Since we have a different opinion and say people play wow we are shills.

Imagine that.

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Yes I’m still playing. I joined last summer but I’m still playing.

I log on, jump around for a min, then ask myself why then log off.

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Well how many play then since you know so well? Please do tell us also don’t send something from one of those websites that supposedly track players they are all inaccurate as can be. Also if you hate the game why even play on the forums? Shouldn’t you be moving on and doing something better with your life?

Tienes la libertad de ir a donde te plazca.

No please don’t come back! Go play world of hello kitty!







WoW is trash now. Take flying for example. Every expansion you work months to get it and lose it again the next expansion only to work and wait months again. That was one of the most fun things about WoW was flying and they’ve killed that off.

But they nerf every expansion into the ground at the end now so the replay value of old content is worthless. The value of old content is a shadow of what it once was with a fresh coating of barfed over scaled content that makes progression non-existent. They’ve ruined most everything that made WoW great. I have zero excitement for anything Blizzard does anymore.