Anyone playing Affliction next patch?

Anyone going to play Affliction next patch?

I want to but with how the set bonus is looking and the lack of even acknowledgment by Blizzard I’m seriously considering a respec. It was hard enough trying to get KSM and stuff this patch, and it feels like next patch will be even harder

Literally switching to healing in my raid because I can’t take how badly aff has been handled for several expansions now.


Affliction is my safe spec. If I play Lock I’ll still be playing Affliction. It’s been my primary for a few years now.

But I am eyeing up SPriest as a DoT caster alternative. It has more fun buttons to press and Devouring Plague still brings a DoT profile.
I just don’t really like Void Crash and Psychic Link for AOE.

Alternatively I am eyeing up UHDK. Having fun but typically I don’t go for melee.

Affliction is like a guaranteed 7/10 experience for me. The question is, is that enough?

I hear Hellcaller is better in 11.1 which is good news for me because I like Wither but for many I think Soul Harvester is more interactive and visual.

I might be, not because I think it’s going to crush but because I want to get that cool new face mouth hood. Is it a dumb reason? Yes, but I prefer aff to most other specs and me likey look cool.

I will be playing it as my main alt most likley

not a single chance, affliction is garbage. The only option is destro but even then is mid tier.

I’ve never enjoyed the other specs, so if I play my lock, I will play Aff.

I like it for the most part… I am just not a huge fan of Malefic Rapture. I wish it was more like a Soul Drain-ish ability instead of MR, rather than instead of SB.