Anyone play Fortnite? (A cheeky battle pass guide)

Prefacing this thread with a disclaimer…

I’m aware most people who play Fortnite are young kids, so this thread might fall on deaf ears, but my friends (all adults in their 30’s) got me into it for group play and I’ve been kinda digging it on my own too, when they’re off adulting.

So if you’re really bad at the game, like I am, but you enjoy playing it and you want to progress the battle pass for the cool cosmetics, I have a guide just for you. This is how I play my matches usually and if you find it difficult to accrue experience, this might work for you.

First off, make sure you have the visual sound effects turned on in your settings. This will display when someone is sprinting or shooting on your screen and where it’s coming from. Just helps with awareness.

So my actual strategy for every match, is to wait until the bus is almost off screen, then drop, then immediately deploy my parachute. I don’t try to race to the ground. I float as long as physically possible. What this does, is it lets all the “fodder” for lack of a better word, get handled by the better players. Realistically, you’ll be in the top 50 before you even hit the ground, which is free exp right there. I believe Survivor I.

What you wanna do after that, is scope out the area in which you landed. I usually aim to land in the middle of nowhere. No buildings, nothing near a vehicle. When you feel safe, just run around and look for fun stuff. If you can find a fishing pole, that’s aces. You get exp for fishing in a match.

Stay near the water. If someone shoots at you, jump in the water and swim off. Don’t jump out to swim faster, just swim normally. It makes you a harder to hit target. Try to swim with the stream, not against it, so you move faster.

When the numbers start dwindling down, you can get more adventurous and start collecting guns anywhere you can find them. Also, chests give exp too. Break open any of the canisters you can find too as they also give exp. If you’re lucky, you’ll find a sniper somewhere.

Try to avoid driving, as you’re usually a sitting duck, but if you do get seen by someone, try to lure them over to you then run them over. If you have a gun you can pop out and shoot them after.

If you’ve managed to last long enough, you’ll probably be in the top 15 or 20. Stay within the safe area, away from the storm, but try to avoid combat and last as long as you can. If you have any kind of ranged weapon, you can try to pick some people off. At this point, whether you win or lose, you’ll have gotten pretty decent exp.

I definitely don’t recommend this strategy to people who KNOW how to play the game. If you’re good at it, then hooray for you. I definitely recommend trying to learn and get better, but if you are still struggling, give this a try, to at least progress the battle pass. I’ve gotten a few decent levels since yesterday and I got my first victory royale too!

Thanks for reading and happy hunting!