Me and my best friend are nearing the end of Gloomhaven, and it’s months before Frosthaven will arrive at my doorstep. I am sad.
Any game suggestions to fill the gap?
Me and my best friend are nearing the end of Gloomhaven, and it’s months before Frosthaven will arrive at my doorstep. I am sad.
Any game suggestions to fill the gap?
Smart A**.
Trivial Pursuit
Then a round of phase 10
Family plays Catan, small world
I’ve never played Gloomhaven, but it always seems to be in #1 spot on BoardGameGeek. If you’re looking for some fun co-op games, I’d recommend Eldrich Horror (I’m using 3rd edition), Pandemic, and Burgle Bros.
Burgle Bros isn’t campaign-driven, it’s just a fun modular board game.
7 Wonders Duel is a good two-player game, but it’s prone to hate drafting.
Wingspan, Century: Golem Edition (not Century: Golem Edition Eastern Mountains), and Quacks of Queslinburg are pretty good engine builders. Quacks in particular is one of my favorite board games because it’s the definition of a “push your luck” type game if you’re into that.
Some games that can be played in quick rounds would be Love Letter, Welcome to the Dungeon, and Deep Sea Adventure. They’re do short that I was bringing them to work to play during lunch break with coworkers before the whole pandemic started.
Just the quick old stuff like Clue, Sorry etc. My nephews grandmother has built up a nice stash for when they come visit and the family is big enough to get some good games going. In the past though. we’ve been more into cards. Uno, Rook, Spades, Hearts, Exploding Kittens. It’s much better than Grandma’s Hallmark Movies