Anyone NOT use warglaives?

I use fist weapons that look like glaives for a shaman just to be slightly different. I like them because they are hidden when sheathed.

I have two swords sheathed on my back.

His fists are the weapons ;3

I used a sword mainhand with Vengeance’s hidden skin for the offhand throughout Legion for a sword-and-shield look. Sadly, so long as mainhand/offhand artifact transmogs remain linked I’ll never be able to go back to this, which is a shame.

using rapiers, much better than the big fat warglaives.

I don’t have the 1h scythes from Argus, but I think those would be cool.

I use dual katanas. Looks great when slamming into the ground or when doing blade dance

First, thank you for being honest. We know warlocks sacrificed much. After all, many of your kind claims that our existence was paved with your corpses. But we know the truth, don’t we? We are simply taking back what is rightfully ours. Relax though, we are not comparing whose dominating the sacrificial department.

Second, it takes a special kind of dedication to have ‘additional’ features implanted on our bodies. Let me assure you: we do not do it for the horns, the wings or even the tatoos. Those are the side effects from our sacrifice, and we certainly do not walk around showing them off. But of course, we don’t purposely went all the way to hide them either.

Finally - that was our class catchphrase. Much like ‘Light be with you’ for paladins, or ‘Blood and Thunder’ for warriors.

I’m sure you can figure out your special class catchphrase. Maybe you can come up with even greater ones. Allow me to contribute:

By the power of Gul’s Skull!
you can follow up with I have Fel Power!!

Too long? ok…

I sense much Fear in you!!!

Not original enough? well, try this…

I will leave butt cinders!!!


I generally use a combination of weapons. Personally I feel “Fists of the Diety” are a form of Warglaive in of themselves and the Mindscythe of the Legion goes very well with the Warglaive models available.

I never noticed know this! How the hell did that happen? It certainly must have been an oversight!

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I don’t even have them, but even if I did, I like my current color scheme better this way :slight_smile:

um I’m not sure really…
It’s possible that because you’re still 110 you’re seeing all the dh’s with legion artifacts maybe when you to bfa you’ll see more dh’s with different weapons?

I personally mog 1h swords

I prefer to use warglaives, but recently a friend got me BFA… so now I’m stuck using the best ilvl stuff i have: a sword from a timewalking dungeon and a fist weapon.

I like the The Perforator fist weapon with Breath of Yu’lon enchant, goes really well with the Vindictive Gladiator’s Felskin set.

I can’t find any weapons with better stats that don’t cost thousands of gold on US-Turalyon. I don’t see the point in equipping stuff with worse stats because it “looks cooler.”

Not to use but to t-mog. It’s about looking cool while one slays.

I use the mage tower Warglaives on this toon, but I have a second DH that uses the blazing demonhilt swords from M Hellfire

Why use Warglaives when you can use CLAWS?

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Because not many claws are badass enough to rock. Only Claw of Molten Fury and Phoenix Claw really. The ones you have on are cool but your Abyss set dominates and they are kinda lost. Molten Fury would look pretty good with that set. I have a mog like it and will switch over so you can see how it looks.

My claw is best claw.